Interesting write up they did on the roasters anastasio, pretty indepth, however besides the "Mee Too" off shoots of some of the other roasters, there are a few others they could have mentioned in there as well.
brian, on your Ikawa, yes if you want to do two ounces at a time, you can come back every 18.7 minutes and have a pound of coffee after 4 hours. Many people don't have that kind of time to literally have to babysit a coffee machine all day to get a few pounds of coffee. Ok, yes you can just stick it in and walk away and do whatever, but all of us who roast coffee, I would hope know better than to walk away from a roast in progress, (although im sure we all have done it once or twice
) Looking at the bullet, which falls about the same price range if I read the article correctly, it looks like you can do pretty much the same with it on a larger scale. The Ikawa does have software, it's just built into it, and well ok an App too, since it's for your phone, and unless you want to use one of their generic profiles like the Behmor has, yes you will have to fiddle a bit to get your profile what you want, and only then after you found your perfect profile, store it and re run it. However to be fair, that's for any machine really, they aren't born knowing what you need for X or Y coffee at any given year or origin. They do have a library though they claim where others have uploaded their profiles to share. On an interesting point, lets say you an I both had one of these, our rich uncle died and left us the money, and we both ran the same profile, only mine was at 124 volts because my solar was burning hard, and yours was at 114 volts because all your neighbors love their AC's set at 70 degrees and have the pad transformer loaded to darn near ringing. Given we have the identical programs or profiles in them, will our results be the same. I think not. So while I will get consistency, in my roasts, WE will not get consistency. Besides, you get that cheap industrial electric, mine is home made, therefore is better