Author Topic: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show  (Read 65702 times)

Offline headchange4u

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #195 on: May 07, 2014, 12:20:02 PM »
The L2 will be reluctantly leaving my possession to move on to the next person today. It will be missed.

Right out of the box this grinder was extremely impressive. The design is gorgeous, and with the other OE grinders, it is built like a brick outhouse. Aesthetically, I don't the grinder could have be designed to look any better.

I like the adjustment mechanism better than the L1. It's nice not to have to remove the jar and fiddle with a coffee coated screw and nut in order to make the adjustment. To be honest, I used this grinder almost exclusively with me new Ponte Vecchio Lusso. I did adjust it out to a pour over setting once, but then moved it back to espresso. The L2 did choke the machine a couple of times, which I did not get the L1 to do but once. I can tell the grind from the L2 was more fluffy and consistent.

I also loved the grinding handle. It's now much easier to dump coffee into the grinder. I did think the black knob on the grind handle was overly stiff and awkward. I think if the L2 could be modified to allow that knob to move more freely, grinding would be much easier overall.

I did do one small modification while in my possession. Although the grinder is easier to adjust, I don't really see the purpose of the tick marks on the locking nut that you loosen in order to adjust the grinder. I also don't see why the adjustment nut has marks all the way around it. I think all is need is the single black tick mark on the adjuster and tick marks around a stationary portion of the grinder. With those ideas in mind I ended up taking a thin piece of masking tape and lined it with a tick mark every 5mm:

After applying the tape I found the "0" point of the grinder (marked by a 0 on the tape), or the point at which the burrs touch but you could still turn the grinding arm, and adjusted out from there . Using the tick marks on the tape and the black tick mark on the adjusting nut, I was able to find a sweet spot for a particular brewing method, adjust it for another brewing method, and the return it to a previous setting easily.

Overall, I highly recommend this grinder to anyone willing to pony up the dough. It's construction and performance it top notch.

Beautiful grinder
Much improved design over L1
Excellent grind quality

Grind knob seems stiff
Awkward screwing grinder on the jar
Grind retention.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #196 on: May 07, 2014, 12:25:23 PM »
Grind knob seems stiff.

Gents on H-B are putting a scant drop of olive oil on it.  Seems to help.  We can let the ultimate owner do that.

Grind retention...

Just whack it on the side 15 seconds after grinding and the remnants drop into the container for prep.

Good write-up, thanks.

Offline headchange4u

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #197 on: May 07, 2014, 12:38:33 PM »

Just whack it on the side 15 seconds after grinding and the remnants drop into the container for prep.

Good write-up, thanks.

I can whack it and it looks fairly clean, but when I unscrew the jar it always seem to dump out a bunch more coffee. I've also cleaned the inside of the grinder with an air compressor, and surprising amounts of coffee came out.

And one must be careful when whacking it. Notice the "Awkward screwing grinder on the jar" in my con list? That came from when I was whacking the jar to get out extra grinds, and the jar came loose, fell off, and broke. It never seemed to screw on the jar straight, although I found   turning the grinder NOT the jar made things easier.

Luckily, I had my L1 here at work and the jar for it is the same one as the L2. So now I gotta get a jar for the L1. If anyone knows what will fit the Lido, and is readily available, please let me know.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #198 on: May 07, 2014, 01:01:05 PM »
Luckily, I had my L1 here at work and the jar for it is the same one as the L2. So now I gotta get a jar for the L1. If anyone knows what will fit the Lido, and is readily available, please let me know.

Check the HB thread, about a week ago post, dimensions and sources are listed.


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Offline Dmsweatt

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #200 on: May 08, 2014, 05:35:38 PM »
Had a chance to play with grinder this week and I just PM'd hankua to get  the address to send the Lido 2 to its final home.

Overall, seems to be a well built hand grinder.   

However, I am solidly in camp with JW.  Turns out I am NOT a hand grinder person at 5:30am.  First morning I choked the Bunn twice before ending up with a 12-second double.  Then I couldn't get the jar screwed on for attempt 4.  I fired up the electric grinder for shot 5.

I'm just glad I got in on the road show; I was all set to purchase this when announced.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #201 on: May 09, 2014, 09:13:35 AM »
Nice article, and it's good to see Mark Prince investing some time back into CoffeeGeek again.

I am convinced he sold off CG about two years ago -- his heart is no longer in it.  He lives on Twitter and his tweets are too MarkCentrict.  Can't follow him anymore.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #202 on: May 09, 2014, 09:44:33 AM »
I came to the same conclusion and checked out quite a while ago-

Offline Mass. Wine Guy

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #203 on: May 09, 2014, 11:31:18 AM »
I don't know what I paid $16 for as far as trying this out for a day or two. Plus shipping.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #204 on: May 09, 2014, 12:13:25 PM »
I don't know what I paid $16 for as far as trying this out for a day or two. Plus shipping.

Am I missing something?  I don't remember you participating, though I certainly could be wrong.

Offline hankua

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #205 on: May 14, 2014, 10:34:08 AM »
#2 Lido has arrived home  :D

Thanks to Dave and all the participants !!

Offline Mass. Wine Guy

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #206 on: May 14, 2014, 12:20:31 PM »
I'm sure that I did. Not a huge deal.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #207 on: May 14, 2014, 12:55:58 PM »
I'm sure that I did. Not a huge deal.

If you are sure, suggest you check PayPal for receipt. I have no post on this thread of your interest nor do I have unaccounted payments from other than posters on this thread.  Seemed to balance, names and payments.

If you are convinced you paid, please send along the receipt for the requested $19.70 from PayPal or your last name and I will be glad to check my PayPal once again.  Glad to refund it if I am in error on this and apologies in advance.  Check late Jan/early Feb when I requested payments.

Offline Mass. Wine Guy

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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #208 on: May 14, 2014, 02:03:24 PM »
My apologies. I was thinking of the Commandante grinder.


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Re: Closed: 2 units, LIDO-2,Traveling Road Show
« Reply #209 on: May 15, 2014, 08:07:44 AM »
I received the Lido 2 from headchange4u. Like everyone else I am impressed. I had not seen the Lido 1 prior so I did not know what to expect. It is a very solid unit. Plenty of heft to it, in fact more than I had imagined. I will not be using one as my backpacking grinder, but it would be a great travel grinder. I was able to get it to grind fine enough to choke my Livia 90 and still make a very nice pour over. It still takes a little muscle on a fine grind but nothing the average person can't handle. OE hit it out of the park with this one. I still like hitting a switch but there is definitely a place in the arsenal for this grinder.

I am boxing this baby up and will be sending it off to It's final home with Tyme. Thank you Dave for setting this up. As usual it was a lot of fun and I've something else to add to the Christmas list.
