Author Topic: Can Anyone Speak to the Quality of Ozturk Roasters???  (Read 724 times)

Offline Kifu

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Can Anyone Speak to the Quality of Ozturk Roasters???
« on: April 28, 2011, 07:22:06 AM »
I'm in the market for a 5-10 Kilo roaster. I've been leaning toward Ambex, but the discussion I had going with Terry (the owner of Ambex) simply stopped (neither he nor any of his reps will return my calls/ weird...can anyone speak to that!?!).

Anyway, I've talked with the east coast rep for Ozturk and he was extremely helpful. However, I just haven't seen much on Ozturks on the forums. They seem like quality roasters, if not underpriced!

I would love to hear from some folks who either have or roasted on or have some information on Ozturk roasters.

Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated (I'm working with about a 10-12 thousand dollar budget).


"Precisely when we perceive that we are sinners do we perceive that we are brothers." ~Karl Barth