Author Topic: Unique Request  (Read 3041 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Unique Request
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2015, 03:03:12 PM »
Peter, no I have not tasted coffee from the artisian yet.  I do understand what you are trying to say though.
Possibly they are roasting it too quick?  I am not going to try to defend it or guess why it's coffee is believed sub par with NO real info to go on.
I DO own several I roasts as well.  I have learned over the time to 'master them'  they too are fluid beds and I have been told on numerous occasions, oh god, this is GOOD.  It IS a different beast and 'fast' can happen... very fast, and ruin a roast, you have to learn to 'temper it'.

If you remember or not, I was critical on a few of the artisian threads because they were bragging how 'fast' they could do a roast in.  This did not sit well with me.  Then we had a member who bought one and said, he learned it and it's good, it is very controllable.  A CFB roster is going to be different than  drum by the nature of how it works but once learned, can give just as good of a cup of coffee I believe.  I can easily see someone roasting too fast though on it, or umm  drying the beans out too much??? if that's possible?? trying to stretch a roast.  Loft is very critical.  IMHO the best approach, control your heat with loft NOT watts as possible.  anyways...

The behmor now

I feel I am pretty good on my Behmore.  I have sent coffee to others, my 24 dollar a pound geisha I gave some to a fellow GCBC'er to try and he was very impressed with it.

Am I a master, umm.. nope, and don't think I ever will be.  Once one says they are a master, they just admitted they (think) they know everything, and closed their mind to new ideas.  I am not a master.

Thank you for your input.  I am kind of very seriously considering one of the artisians, I do like the electric aspect, less crap to deal with, however there does not seem to be a ton of 'field experience' with it, and well, I try not to listen too hard to what the manufacturer / seller has to say about a product because they have a vested interest in it and may be a bit biased.  Features, yes,  wonderfullness.. ehh lets see now.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline peter

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Re: Unique Request
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2015, 08:31:09 PM »
I'll watch to see if any pop up for sale.
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