Author Topic: Possible Brazen Plus and Technivorm Review  (Read 6387 times)

Offline brianmch

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Re: Possible Brazen Plus and Technivorm Review
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2016, 07:06:02 AM »
Good suggestions. Any other ideas?

I'd be interested to know how "futzy" they are, like are they really simple to use or are they susceptible to error due to minor use irregularities.  For example, do grounds run over filters because of improper placement, etc. 

FWIW, had this with my Ottomatic this AM but it's user error. I'm out of Chemex filters and was using shorter Hario v60 filters.

As an aside, the Ottomatic makes a pretty decent cup.  Brew temp is a little lower than I prefer (190) and I can't find a way to get it higher. 

Distribution is okay.  It doesn't really have a clean stop between pulses but the pulses are pretty even in duration and spacing.  Initial bloom is okay, not great. 

It is easy to use. Aesthetics kick butt.  I had a cup from the pro-version of this machine compared to a Chemex at the Midwest Barista challenge earlier this year and they were virtually identical.  The Otto isn't quite as detailed as a hand-brew Chemex but drinkable. 

That Brazen is awful in my eyes and my smarter half wouldn't allow it in the kitchen, no matter how good the brew is. 

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Re: Possible Brazen Plus and Technivorm Review
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2016, 06:20:59 AM »
Yeah. Sorry. I left out "Brazen" when I posted. Corrected the post. My excuse is that I had not had any coffee for over 5 hours. ;D

That is a perfectly logical explanation.

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