Author Topic: Meet Gort!  (Read 37472 times)


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #270 on: October 08, 2012, 09:54:02 AM »
^^^ Nice. Not for me though since it sounds like the finalists may be subjected to some sort of vote (possibly "like"-based) before a winner is determined. The last such Facebook contest I entered required some serious spamming of friends and relatives in order to eke out a victory.


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #271 on: October 08, 2012, 10:22:58 AM »
I have no interest in drinking coffee that was ground eight hours ago...

Have you tried storing the single-ground batch in one of these ceramic air-tight thingies?  I did a blind tasting once to help out the gf so she could have a cup at work, and a couple days in one of these didn't impact the flavor; that was a long time ago before either of us had a sophistimaticated palatte. 

Offline Mlee

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #272 on: October 09, 2012, 05:52:15 PM »
I have been following this and many more threads trying not to buy a Brazen as I already have a TV. I decided to try and do the pre-soak thing with the tV. Got some h2o up to temp in a kettle and soaked the grouinds for about a minute and then ran the TV. It made a huge difference with a much improvrd taste. More detail and a richer, bigger taste,  who would have thunk???

Prov 3:5-6-Trust in the Lord with all your heart
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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #273 on: October 09, 2012, 06:12:16 PM »

BTW, your killer espresso blend(s) left today.

The espresso arrived today. Unfortunately it was after three, past my caffeine cut off time.  I look forward to trying them in the morning. They smell great. 


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #274 on: October 11, 2012, 03:45:38 AM »

600 ml water
33 g (11g Elida Natural + 22 Mexican Chiapas)
201 F
45 s presoak

Very delicate cup, as you can imagine, with nice touch of Elida.
I will try 202 and extend presoak to 1 min. I will try to nail down 600 ml water  as this is exact amount of coffee that we need in the morning.
Griound in between Press and Filter on Vario.

Gort should have water sensor in the tank. Brewing should stop once water runs out.



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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #275 on: October 11, 2012, 06:35:09 PM »
This morning I brewed 50 grams of Greenway Coffee Rwanda Dukunde Kawa with 900 ml of 200°F water and 45 second pre-soak.  I enjoyed two cups this morning with my flax seed topped wheat bread, very nice cup with hibiscus notes.

I've brewed most of my pots at 202°F, but 200 worked out pretty well today.  I'm going to poke around in that direction for a bit.

Every pot I've made in the Brazen has been finished before I left for work.  When I made the same volume of coffee in the Bunn, there'd usually be leftovers to clean up when I got home.  I'm also thinking one of the issues I have with the Bunn BTX is the temperature deadband.  It holds the reservoir at temp, ready to brew, but cycles through a temperature range and some days I'd brew a good pot in the Bunn and others was just a miss, probably because of the difference in brew temps.  They've all been good in the Brazen so far.  I found what JW had to say about temperature in the Canadian Traveling roadshow thread interesting:

This week I've done 20 or 21 pots through the Brazen. I decided right off the bat that 204 was a bit too high for me after 2 pots of washed centrals. I've been doing the washed centrals at 202F (mostly). Most Africans (washed) I've been doing at 200F. Naturals at 199F. Seems to work well for me, although I really doubt this thing can make a bad cup( if the coffee is good).

Uhmmm I was planning on going up in temp again.  It isn't overly cold in my house but I would like a my coffee tad warmer.  Since the brew is definitely controlled maybe I should warm my cups.

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #276 on: October 12, 2012, 07:43:35 AM »
Well I was really sad to Gort move on to the next person in the road show. Long story short, it is one hell of a coffee maker.

Right out of the box I was impressed by how the unit looked. It had a very solid build and the general overall look and feel of the unit was very classy. Being one who likes to tinker, I think it's awesome that someone has finally put out an automatic coffee maker that has adjustable parameters.

I ended up settling on a 1 minute steep time with a brew temp of 202-205. I used 55 grams of coffee. At first the grind I was using was too fine, which resulted in a overly bitter cup. A coarser grind from the Mazzer fixed that. Brews were on par with my Technivorm, but since the Gort has the ability to tweak parameters, it could potentially surpass the TV. I really wish that I had more time to spend with it.

The only slight downside to the Gort was the filter basket. There is nothing wrong with the basket as it sits, but I do like the cone shaped baskets, like what is featured on TV's, better than the standard coffee maker basket that is featured on the Gort. But that's nothing more than my opinion.

Overall, A+. I hope to own one one of these days.

The only realy gr


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #277 on: October 17, 2012, 08:17:07 AM »
After a couple weeks with the Brazen I am very happy with the quality in the cup. I do have one major complaint. I can not pour a cup of coffee without coffee dribbling down the spout and onto the counter. Mine simple does not pour clean. Normally this does not bother me but it becomes a major problem when you are trying to serve people at a dinner party with a nice table setting. Are others having this issue?


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #278 on: October 17, 2012, 08:19:50 AM »
I have the same problem with the road show unit. The first cup or two of a full pot pour well for me, but after that it's slow and dribbly. If I were to buy one of these for myself, I'd probably use a different carafe altogether.

Ray T

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #279 on: October 19, 2012, 01:03:39 PM »
I love this brewer. To get anything close with the Technivorm I have to fiddle with it by closing and opening the the basket thingy then stirring with a chopstick a few times during the brew cycle, with GORT Grind, Fill and Go. At 4am boring is a good thing  ;D. I use the gold filter only I am not giving up the wonderful oil slick on the top of the cup. My wife is using the filters to dry tomato seeds on  ;).

GORT the brewer of a different color for sure.


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #280 on: October 19, 2012, 02:39:45 PM »
I love this brewer. To get anything close with the Technivorm I have to fiddle with it by closing and opening the the basket thingy then stirring with a chopstick a few times during the brew cycle, with GORT Grind, Fill and Go. At 4am boring is a good thing  ;D . I use the gold filter only I am not giving up the wonderful oil slick on the top of the cup. My wife is using the filters to dry tomato seeds on  ;) .

GORT the brewer of a different color for sure.

And you're not finding the 8 cup brew size inconvenient at all? When I bother with drip at all I usually have a group to make coffee for and even the 10 cup TV is limiting.

One thing I like about TV is the simplicity of making a 2nd or 3rd pot. Is the BraZen as easy to take apart?

Ray T

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #281 on: October 19, 2012, 03:06:10 PM »
I love this brewer. To get anything close with the Technivorm I have to fiddle with it by closing and opening the the basket thingy then stirring with a chopstick a few times during the brew cycle, with GORT Grind, Fill and Go. At 4am boring is a good thing  ;D . I use the gold filter only I am not giving up the wonderful oil slick on the top of the cup. My wife is using the filters to dry tomato seeds on  ;) .

GORT the brewer of a different color for sure.

And you're not finding the 8 cup brew size inconvenient at all? When I bother with drip at all I usually have a group to make coffee for and even the 10 cup TV is limiting.

One thing I like about TV is the simplicity of making a 2nd or 3rd pot. Is the BraZen as easy to take apart?

For the two of us the 8 cup works fine 10 cup would have been better. With TV glass carafe on the low heat setting  the last cup normally got dumped and a new pot made anyway.

Cleans up is very easy. Not sure what you mean by taking it apart (still to new for that  ;)). Basket slides in or out pour in the water your done   ;)

You should have taken your turns Tex. I drink a lot of drip coffee this machine Blows them all out of the water


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #282 on: October 19, 2012, 03:17:09 PM »
I love this brewer. To get anything close with the Technivorm I have to fiddle with it by closing and opening the the basket thingy then stirring with a chopstick a few times during the brew cycle, with GORT Grind, Fill and Go. At 4am boring is a good thing  ;D . I use the gold filter only I am not giving up the wonderful oil slick on the top of the cup. My wife is using the filters to dry tomato seeds on  ;) .

GORT the brewer of a different color for sure.

And you're not finding the 8 cup brew size inconvenient at all? When I bother with drip at all I usually have a group to make coffee for and even the 10 cup TV is limiting.

One thing I like about TV is the simplicity of making a 2nd or 3rd pot. Is the BraZen as easy to take apart?

For the two of us the 8 cup works fine 10 cup would have been better. With TV glass carafe on the low heat setting  the last cup normally got dumped and a new pot made anyway.

Cleans up is very easy. Not sure what you mean by taking it apart (still to new for that  ;) ). Basket slides in or out pour in the water your done   ;)

You should have taken your turns Tex. I drink a lot of drip coffee this machine Blows them all out of the water

Well, like I said, I make drip for company, not for myself. And the TV has a certain fan base among foodies, so I think my friends like my coffee as much for the TV as for what's in the cup. Personally, I believe the commercial Bunn I bought the church makes better coffee than any home drip pot. You just can't beat the accuracy of their adjustable thermometer, and the shower head they have beats anything else I've seen.

Offline shakin_jake

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #283 on: October 21, 2012, 02:46:44 AM »

It's not my part to enlighten you Eric. 

Don't worry - you didn't accomplish it, not even by accident.

As for costing more, Behmor II could cost Hottop money, maybe even a bit more - the name is already established in our community and that has value. If I go from a Rancilio or Gaggia to a Quick Mill or Alex espresso machine, I expect that advanced capabilities will carry additional costs.

Maybe the market for premium home roasters is met fully by Hottop and Gene Cafe already.  I know I wanted a Behmor (V. 1) enough that I passed on the sub $200 home roasters and was saving towards $300 for a new roaster when Dan Brewer offered his Behmor for sale here which I bought.

After using it and trying the methods found on familiar web sites, I find it to be functional but missing some of that user input that makes a hobby more fun.  I know several people who own a Behmor as well. Being able to add some heat at a critical point of the roast (30 second Turbo mode maybe?) would solve the baked beans dilemma that happens on occasion.  Other friends of mine in the area use Hottop roasters while others use something else entirely.

My view of the market isn't the big picture, but it is part of the picture.  I appreciate your comments more Peter when you respect that.

~~~Eric,  Perhaps Dan sold that roaster to you on the cheap?...I sold it to Dan for $100.  FWIW, I bought it new, put it up for sale after using for 100 roasts, that's when Dan bought it from me

FWIW, just perusing this thread ... saw you posting here that you bought a b roaster from Dan.  Unless he had more than one, it was the one I sold to him


Reddick Fla.
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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #284 on: October 22, 2012, 12:51:01 PM »
It might have been the same roaster.  :)

I paid a bit more than $100 since shipping that size box (he packed it very carefully) with the roaster and the extras was not cheap. He included an extra drum and a new afterburner for the roaster and an adjustable OPV for my Gaggia Coffee as well.