Author Topic: Behmor 1600 Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks  (Read 108808 times)

Offline Tigeranteater

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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #285 on: May 25, 2009, 04:48:41 AM »
I like to think of myself as being right with the curve ;D I just got involved in the hobby and got one of these roasters. It will be delivered tomorrow. I was over at a friends and he had this roaster and I was so impressed. I have always purchased expensive pre-roasted coffee but now I will have the ability of doing it myself. I am so excited. You are really a great bunch of people and this is a great place to learn from others experience, oh and to buy coffee! My name is Steve and I would like to say thanks and hello!!!! 


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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #286 on: May 25, 2009, 06:36:54 AM »
... I just got involved in the hobby and got one of these roasters. ..My name is Steve and I would like to say thanks and hello!!!! 

Welcome to the fold.  Watch out for the rabbit hole Steve, it is just to the right and if you slip into it, well, there is no end.   As you are soon to find out.



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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #287 on: May 25, 2009, 04:18:40 PM »
I made the modification and can now EASILY roast a full pound to a good rolling second crack on P1 at 18 min 15 sec.  Amazing!  I see a little more smoke just around first crack but not bad at all and none can be seen in the kitchen.  Believe me, the wife would let me know.  I imagine the smoke is there because you are actually bypassing the afterburner slightly, I think.

Great mod.

Offline Tigeranteater

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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #288 on: May 27, 2009, 07:09:02 AM »
Roast report: Got the Behmor yesterday. When I got home I was as happy as a kid at Christmas. I had my wife pick out what she wanted me to roast. She picked the Ethopia Yirgacheffe. I roasted at 7pm. Setting: 6oz roasted at  1/2 lb P1 B. I had a very nice 1st crack. I don't have my notes with me so I can't post time. I then had about 1:20 after first crack until the first few snaps of second at which time I hit cool. I ended up with what I would call a Full City +. It turned out beautiful! I know I should have waited but this morning I couldn't stand it and had to have some. This is one of the best coffees I have ever had and I had no idea what I was doing. I was so excited with how it turned out I roasted a Sumatra before work. I used 6 oz with a setting of 1/2 lb P3 C. I wanted a slower profile so I thought I would try P3. Again I dont have times with me but 1st crack and second were clearly defined. Actually I was relaxing so much with my cup of Ethopian that I went a few seconds into second crack before I hit the cool button and ended up with a rolling second crack. I know I probably lost some of the earthyness but man this was a really pretty roast! The aroma was nothing short od heavenly. I would call the roast a light Vienna. Bold Java, you were right, I now have 50+ pounds of coffee comming to my house. I think I fell in the hole.


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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #289 on: May 27, 2009, 04:57:20 PM »
Important update on periodic PM, blowing dust off the fan motor:  page, 2:



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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #290 on: May 27, 2009, 05:06:14 PM »
no comment ;)

Offline pugilist

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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #291 on: June 04, 2009, 12:21:21 PM »
after three wonderful years with my iroast2, it finally died on me (after 7 successful resuscitations).  so i ordered a behmor last night and should get it sometime next week.  looking forward to it...and actually roasting indoors!


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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #292 on: June 06, 2009, 11:58:44 AM »
Chose the Behmor over a Hottop. Now waiting for delivery. Good information on this website.


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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #293 on: June 06, 2009, 12:01:03 PM »
One thing I like the best is the Behmor website and it's constant updates.

Offline pugilist

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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #294 on: June 11, 2009, 05:12:37 PM »
behmor arrived time to roast until the weekend...looking very forward to it!

Offline pugilist

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Re: Behmor 1600 Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #295 on: June 17, 2009, 12:29:47 AM »
did three 1lb batches...actually, 14oz. of puerto rican using P5 (had to add 1:15 at the end to get it to 2nd crack).  1lb of sumatra rhino (at P3...adding at the end to the max time at P3) and 1lb. of tanzania hope project at P2, taken to its max time.  i wanted to see where 2nd crack occurs for each of the profiles, and i needed to add a lot of time to the default in order to get the 2nd crack.

i also think my outlets are seemed like the roaster cycled a lot, as though there was ample power for awhile, then not enough, etc.  found that to be the case on my iroast2 as well, as the motor would go full blast, slow down, full blast, etc. 

i just picked up a kill-a-watt and will monitor my next few roasts to see what the outlets are doing.

the PR didn't turn out very well...but i must say that i love the tanzania and the sumatra isn't great, but drinkable.  looking forward to some more roasting this weekend.

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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #296 on: August 03, 2009, 11:48:02 AM »
I made the modification and can now EASILY roast a full pound to a good rolling second crack on P1 at 18 min 15 sec.  Amazing!  I see a little more smoke just around first crack but not bad at all and none can be seen in the kitchen.  Believe me, the wife would let me know.  I imagine the smoke is there because you are actually bypassing the afterburner slightly, I think.

Great mod.

Clearing dust from the vent area is not a modification, is it? I wonder what the mod was that tj was talking about.


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Re: Behmor 1600 - Q's and A's, Roasting Tips and Suggestions
« Reply #297 on: August 08, 2009, 11:33:42 AM »
I made the modification and can now EASILY roast a full pound to a good rolling second crack on P1 at 18 min 15 sec. 

Clearing dust from the vent area is not a modification, is it? I wonder what the mod was that tj was talking about.

To get these instructions you need to promise you won't share them. If you describe the problem your having to support and it matches this, they'll email you instructions. I did the mod to mine and I just hit the beginnings of first at 14 minutes with 12 ounces of beans on P1.


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Re: Behmor 1600 Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #298 on: August 08, 2009, 11:46:12 AM »
Ira, pm sent.

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Re: Behmor 1600 Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #299 on: August 08, 2009, 12:17:12 PM »
Can anyone say whether the "secret" modification is anything other than the dust removal recommended per BJ in the above link? Why bother the Behmor support for this if it's in that pdf (which I have). tia, pm