As I was grinding a Panama Elida the Perciso seized to a stop. I ran over and pulled the plug on it. I had to take the top burr off to get the rock out. I understand that rocks can show up, especially in natural coffees. I very rarely see them though. I have never seen them in a coffee from SM or here on GCBC. I rarely buy beans from RM because I don't think they have the quality that I get at Klatch, SM's, or here. I picked up this Panama because I could not get any more at Klatsch.
The questions I have are: How often do you find rocks in your beans? Do you find that some vendors have more rocks? How big of a hit can my burrs take before they need to get replaced?
I will post a photo of the burrs when I have time to take the grinder apart and clean it. The funny thing is, this was one of the best cups of this roast I have made. Kone V60, 48g/26oz.