Author Topic: Done-- Kalita Style Roadshow and lottery  (Read 37000 times)


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Done-- Kalita Style Roadshow and lottery
« on: March 28, 2012, 07:37:11 PM »
I got this Kalita Wave from prima

The flat bottomed cone is supposed to be a lot more consistent.  This is a cool set, goes to 5 cups, (tasse, about 20oz) would make a great traveling roadshow lottery.  Makes a nice cup!

EDIT:  Now that you guys helped me find the filters, we are on.  I will get 100 white filters from  wreckingball to go into the kit, and of course the 25 or so brown ones that come with it. 

Some of this next part might seem a little familiar, I shamelessly copied one of the B|travelling road show threads:

Need 10 to play.  No money now, should be approx $11 each by the time I figure in the paypal fees and shipping to me.
Once we are all registered and paid, I will ask one of the regulars better half to pick us a number.  That number will be our winner and gets it last so there isn't a need to ship it on.

1.  The roadshow includes:
     - Kalita 5 cup style w/ brown filters
     - 100 white papers filters
     - stainless steel phin dripper (with logo!)
     - 3 each of the disposable Kalita paper pourovers
     - 1 each of the other disposable pourovers from sweet marias

2.  try it out and post your results     
3.  ship it on to the next person. 
4.  winner gets both kit pourover devices and remaining paper filters

Disposable paper pourovers?  Well, since I will have to order from Wrecking Ball anyway, I figured we should also give this a try:

Since there are 30, each participant gets 3 to try.

1. ecc
2. headchange4u pd
3. blzrfn pd
4. yakster pd
6. JW pd
7. hankua pd
8. J.Jirehs Roaster pd
9. tyme pd
10. SYP pd
winner -------------
5. jbviau pd
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 09:14:49 AM by ecc »


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Offline headchange4u

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Re: Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow (if I can find filters)
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 08:08:08 PM »
Count me in. Doesn't Orphan Espresso carry the flat-bottom filters?


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Re: Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow (if I can find filters)
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 07:56:47 AM »
Here you go (I think):

Thanks!  For some reason, I saw the picture of the brown filters, and moved on without checking the drop down options.

Count me in. Doesn't Orphan Espresso carry the flat-bottom filters?

They do, but they are the smaller version, and they are brown.


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Re: Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2012, 09:01:20 AM »
In like Flynn!  8)

1. ecc
2. headchange4u
3. blzrfn


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Re: Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2012, 11:43:12 AM »
Sign me up, too, please! I've been meaning to try out the Wave for a while now, and I love the look of this set in particular.

As for the Kantan drippers, I already know those are nice--though they take some dexterity to load with coffee sans spillage. I'll donate my 3 to the winner. Here's a post I made about them a while back:
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 11:46:51 AM by jbviau »


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Re: Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2012, 02:04:36 PM »
You guys are in!  Halfway there, 5 more to go!


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Re: Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2012, 07:19:41 PM »
I'm in! Looks cool.  :)

Offline hankua

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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2012, 08:26:09 AM »
I'm in!

Offline J.Jirehs Roaster

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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2012, 11:41:33 AM »
I will give it a try.. count me in


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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2012, 02:11:06 PM »
This morning I wanted to take some pictures and get some opinions about the set, but didn't want to offend certain club members with my usual worse than horrible photography in my dim kitchen.    So I temporarily stripped the plastic collar off the Wave and headed down to this great little bistro that opened up a few months ago.

They were pretty busy, but are super nice and very,very interested in good coffee.  I brought in some home roasts I thought might tempt them, and picked a strategic spot to pose the set.

Worked.  Houston, we have interest... (to be continued)


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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 05:38:30 PM »
My friend James steps up for the first batch.  A 10 day rested Yemen, 40g for the 600ml 5 cup setting with a pourover grind.

The brown filter gets a thorough rinse.  The first question, does it matter if the filter bunches a bit?  We agree that we have no idea.  The filter sits a bit above the bottom of the 3 hole glass cone, so we decide it isn't very critical.

Bloom looks nice, and smells great.

Away we go, using a slow pour.


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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2012, 06:11:05 PM »
We decide the unfamiliar Yemen may not be the best way to compare the dripper, so 40g of Panama washed Elida to complicate and simplify.
Amanda checks the pour, while I test her concentration with random jokes I remember from 3rd grade.  The dripper performed very well.


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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2012, 06:23:22 PM »
About the only real complaints we shared were post brew.  Poor pouring performance;  the flask likes to dribble and it doesn't have a lid.
It tasted very nice, clean with good nuance and tamed brightness from decent temp stability. It has great flow, cleans up easy and looks great, but still seems to need a sniper kettle and a bit of skill.

My thanks to the Eggshell Bistro for being such good sports, may your vacpots never stall!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 06:44:41 PM by ecc »


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Re: OPEN -- Travelling Kalita Style Roadshow
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2012, 10:13:12 AM »
We still need two more to start the roadshow!

I hope you guys liked the pictures,  I had a few cameraman reflections in there, but otherwise I thought they came out better than I expected!