Author Topic: Low cost, outdoor, high capacity craft roaster  (Read 2725 times)

Offline rasqual

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Low cost, outdoor, high capacity craft roaster
« on: January 28, 2007, 05:14:18 PM »
My machinist has begun production of the Open Sky Roaster: (prototype)

Unit #1's patient buyers are currently using the prototype, and are welcome to chime in regarding its performance. The production chassis isn't grill based. It weds two burners yielding 60K BTU to a drum around 10 x 20" long (about like the proto), and should do 10 lbs (the proto was torque and BTU starved and could only do half that in under 18 minutes). Cost for #3 going forward will likely remain well under $4000, even with planned additional features.

The roaster is intended for outdoor use. Chaff and smoke control is primitive, and the unit is not electronically profiled. However, its design provides for accurate temperature measurement, even roasts, rapid cooling, continuous operation, easy bean handling, and superb mobility. Drum and cooler power can be either 115VAC or 12VDC (the latter having the advantage of providing backup against power loss during a roast).

The prototype will be in use at the North Riverside farmer's market (again) starting in June, and #2 will probably be there with a "for sale" sign on it. If you're near Chicago, drop by for a cup and sit a spell. Open Sky Coffee will also be hosting the second annual Open Sky "roast off" at the market the weekend before labor day -- much fun.


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Re: Low cost, outdoor, high capacity craft roaster
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 07:04:41 AM »
That's one sweet roaster that you are building!

If I ever make the move to go 'pro', I would seriously consider an Open Sky Roaster.
