Author Topic: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster  (Read 24189 times)

Offline brianmch

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2020, 09:21:29 AM »
Glad you got it up and running!

Sorry you couldn't get it figured out on your own but you probably learned a thing or two about your machine which may come in handy down the road.

2.5lb batches is pretty good sized. That'll probably help you work through your stash ;D

Offline Alaroast

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2020, 10:58:12 AM »
Glad you got it up and running!

Sorry you couldn't get it figured out on your own but you probably learned a thing or two about your machine which may come in handy down the road.

2.5lb batches is pretty good sized. That'll probably help you work through your stash ;D
Yes, this ordeal has definitely allowed me to get to know this machine much better than if it would have worked right off the bat. I did roast 2 smaller batches at a little over a pound each taking notes of all the temps and pressures each minute and those batches came out much better. That will likely be my normal size roast until I find some folks who like my offerings. 8)
Fiorenzato espresso, Ceado E6P v2 grinder, USRC 3kg roaster

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2020, 01:24:15 PM »
Don't know if there are any similarities in how our roasters have their temp probes situated, but with mine, a 1lb batch will read at least 20* lower than a 3lb batch, so be careful for that if/when you scale up.
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Offline Alaroast

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2021, 11:26:50 AM »
Just an update on the roaster...I added new RTD's for BT and ET and am now using Artisan to monitor roasts. Since I live in a neighborhood, my smoke signals caused lots of interest from neighbors; in this case, a good thing. I must be doing something right because now I have a customer base of about 15 regulars who keep coming back for more. I'll likely roast about 30 pounds just this week alone. Because of this, I have been buying beans in larger quantities(25-50 lb bags) from other sources :(. I really miss the days when buying 10# at a time from members here was a stretch and roasting just for my house on my SC/TO was lots of fun. But I have to say this new adventure has been a blast so far and without this site and the support from its members, I would likely not have jumped on this newer roaster. I'm not really into this as a moneymaker as it is only a fun hobby that is paying for the equipment and allows me all the coffee I could drink for free and still give a away lots of free samples which is how I hooked most of my customers. Thanks guys!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 11:32:04 AM by Alaroast »
Fiorenzato espresso, Ceado E6P v2 grinder, USRC 3kg roaster

Offline Ascholten

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2021, 03:43:14 PM »
You are very welcome Alaroast.    I am working with UPS on better shipping rates and an alternative to the USPS who have been consistantly F'ing all of us over with horrible service.

So far it looks like I can ship 25 Lbs for about 20 dollars in some areas.  Working out the details.  If this might work for you, drop me a PM and once I can get your info, I can plug it in and see what I can do for rates to you.  If not, then no biggie.  I am glad though that we were able to help you get going in the direction you are and i's always nice to hear someone is successful in this coffee thing.  Just because you gotten bigger' we still would love to hear from you in the forums,  you can never outgrow us!  :D

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Offline Alaroast

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #35 on: February 12, 2021, 07:21:01 AM »
Aaron, I'll still be frequenting this forum as buying from here has always been fun and will still be looking at the offerings (I sent you a PM). There's always a good variety at a great price so ya'll keep up the good work. One neighbor still asks if I can get more of the blueberry :D. Seems like that was an Ethiopian or Tanzanian but can't remember. Also, lots of good knowledge and feedback on all levels so no, I'm not leaving unless I'm kicked off.
Fiorenzato espresso, Ceado E6P v2 grinder, USRC 3kg roaster

Offline brianmch

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Re: US Roaster Corp 3kg roaster
« Reply #36 on: February 12, 2021, 03:02:46 PM »
Congrats on your new venture!  Never know what this little hobby will grow into. 

With a 3Kg roaster it's a little more economical to roast for others than when using a 1lb roaster for sure. 

I too have been trying to find shipping alternatives for larger amounts.  If you see something offered you like reach out.