Author Topic: Quest M3 Users  (Read 21254 times)

Offline rbk

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Re: Quest M3 Users
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2016, 09:59:04 AM »
What were you all using before you got your Quest?  I've run a Behmor for the last 18 months and do okay, but am sure there isn't more to be gotten from the beans. 

How much of a headache is it to get the probe system running, and how OCD does one have to be about the numbers to get good roasts?

I jumped into a quest straight away, once I had gotten the idea that I liked roasting coffee I figured I'd just jump into the deep end

The probe setup was really straightforward. There are a variety of options, any combination of compatible thermocouples and sensor boards will get the job done, but if you want easy installation you can't go wrong with the BT/MET EricS setup. I have those running into a Phidgets 1048, then via usb to computer. After some quick driver selection and axes setup in Artisan everything just "works" really nicely without much fiddling.

The probes are a great learning aid in my opinion. I don't think you necessarily need to be OCD about tracking the numbers and matching profiles, but being able to experiment and correlate differences in a profile to the taste in the cup is absolutely invaluable.

Offline brianmch

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Re: Quest M3 Users
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2016, 10:55:23 AM »
Thx RBK. 

That sort of "plug and play" option is appealing, as opposed to "plug and pray".   

Offline p_air

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Re: Quest M3 Users
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2017, 12:25:38 PM »
Hi!  I'm new to the forum.

I've had a M3 for a few months.  Mine is the newer model with 2 thermometers and an insulated drum.  I had a Freshroast and Behmor before this and I'm liking the Quest much more!

I've been doing 200g charges and am experimenting with 250g and 300g charges and finding that it's working out ok.  It took me a few tries before I was able to figure out how to get a strong 1st crack and not have it stall out but now that I've gotten the hang of it I've been able to get pretty consistent roasts.  I usually get to 1C at between 9:30 and 10:00, and will pull after 2 mins of development which is usually before any 2C happens.  I  try to have all 1C done within 1:30 but sometimes it lingers. 

I've noticed a few quirks that maybe you guys can help me with:

 1) the BT thermometer seems off: depending on the coffee the very first 1C pops don't come until between 410 and 425F, so I'm judging where I'm at based on how much rise I've gotten from 1C rather than what temp I *should* be at.  I've calibrated the thermometer with ice water and boiling water and it seems fine.  I guess it's not a big deal, but it's irritating to my brains.

 2)  I haven't really been able to figure out airflow really factors in to things.  My brains say that more airflow should slow down the rate of rise, and less airflow should speed it up but i can't really tell much of a difference if any.  My machine is a newer one that supposedly is different in that a 0 on the fan dial still allows some airflow whereas in older models a 0 was litterally no fan at all.

 3) my ROR is typically starts around 30F/min in the drying phase, gets down to 20F for yellowing/browning, and then I hope to hit 1C at about 15F/min.  It can really stall in the browning phase if I don't push the heat up.  Does that sound about right to you guys?  I like the cup I end up with, but I get so stuck on wanting to be DOING IT RIGHT

thanks y'all!
 - P

Offline brianmch

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Re: Quest M3 Users
« Reply #18 on: June 21, 2017, 08:16:07 AM »
Hi!  I'm new to the forum.

I've had a M3 for a few months.  Mine is the newer model with 2 thermometers and an insulated drum.  I had a Freshroast and Behmor before this and I'm liking the Quest much more!

I've been doing 200g charges and am experimenting with 250g and 300g charges and finding that it's working out ok.  It took me a few tries before I was able to figure out how to get a strong 1st crack and not have it stall out but now that I've gotten the hang of it I've been able to get pretty consistent roasts.  I usually get to 1C at between 9:30 and 10:00, and will pull after 2 mins of development which is usually before any 2C happens.  I  try to have all 1C done within 1:30 but sometimes it lingers. 

I've noticed a few quirks that maybe you guys can help me with:

 1) the BT thermometer seems off: depending on the coffee the very first 1C pops don't come until between 410 and 425F, so I'm judging where I'm at based on how much rise I've gotten from 1C rather than what temp I *should* be at.  I've calibrated the thermometer with ice water and boiling water and it seems fine.  I guess it's not a big deal, but it's irritating to my brains.

 2)  I haven't really been able to figure out airflow really factors in to things.  My brains say that more airflow should slow down the rate of rise, and less airflow should speed it up but i can't really tell much of a difference if any.  My machine is a newer one that supposedly is different in that a 0 on the fan dial still allows some airflow whereas in older models a 0 was litterally no fan at all.

 3) my ROR is typically starts around 30F/min in the drying phase, gets down to 20F for yellowing/browning, and then I hope to hit 1C at about 15F/min.  It can really stall in the browning phase if I don't push the heat up.  Does that sound about right to you guys?  I like the cup I end up with, but I get so stuck on wanting to be DOING IT RIGHT

thanks y'all!
 - P

I am learning to use a Huky. I know it is different from the Quest but they do have some similarities.

A couple things:

Airflow can reduce heat at some points of the roast by cooling the beans too much, at other times it raises the heat.  The exact reasoning was explained to me somewhere and I can't re-state it correctly.  But I have cranked the fan a couple times toward the end of the roast and watched the heat jump. 

I think you might be baking the beans a little if you're hitting 1C at 15 min.  That is like the Behmor which is a slow and low roast style.  Coffee probably tastes okay but when compared to a 10-12 minute roast I bet those would have more detail and less of a massing of flavors.   

What temp are you charging at?