I brewed some Tanzania Burkha Estate just now and am sipping the resulting brew. 30 grams, in 500ml water, steeped 4 minutes, pretty standard at the moment.
I just eyeballed the grind size for French Press, Eva Solo, might've overshot it a little bit. Little to no fines in the cup, big boulders of beans in a wide range of particle sizes. Might turn it down a click or two next time. The cup tastes a little bland, could be due to under extraction, not adjusting the brew time for the bigger size. I only roast so much at a time so I don't have a bunch of beans to experiment with. No Bean Left Unbrewed!
Easy to grind, a few hard beans not withstanding. The whole 30 gram was done sooner than I thought it'd be, didn't count turns.
I like the size and build. I own a Hario Mini Mill (collecting dust) and an OE LIDO, which I use every day. I'm not in the world of Espresso yet so that range isn't important to me. The LIDO is perfect for me at the moment, I don't see the C40 knocking that out of the top slot. If I were on the road a lot I would probably find a way to justify bringing the Comandante along with me.
I'll report again tomorrow. Maybe I'll try getting some action shots.