Yah, my typical batch is 10 oz in a Wearever 1400W model. That's not a challenge -- it's the sweet spot. I use a Corning bread tube for the chamber (the 3" ones are rare on e-bay nowadays), and of course tilt it substantially. To obtain large batch sizes, it seems necessary to partially obstruct the downward flow of beans (near the bottom of the chamber) to prevent compression. I can't imagine such a batch size without doing that.
I also variac the fan -- not the heater. A boost to the fan allows dense greens to flow early in the roast, and reducing the fan later when agitation increases due to decreased density keeps the heat up. With the proper tilt to the apparatus, manual profile control is a cinch.
I'm about to build my 2.0 model, which I suspect I'll do a bit differently. Hope to eliminate the variac and contrive a better means of securing the chamber.
Note:the ceramic element was an interesting experiment; I no longer use it. For now.
(geez, I sure hope that was a DP. Not a very consistent roast!)