Author Topic: FAQ about RCBC - Roasted coffee buying club  (Read 15477 times)

Offline Joe

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FAQ about RCBC - Roasted coffee buying club
« on: May 15, 2019, 01:15:12 PM »
All roasted coffee sales interest questions should start with a PM to Joe or John F.

1. We don't even consider RCBC roasters with less than 100 posts in normal forum threads or who have been a member for less than a year.

2. We don't approve Distributors/ Roasters who aren't active in the forum discussions...i.e. not just coffee orders, joke threads, craigslist finds.. We are a community first.

3. There is an investment cost to start Roasting and distributing and to continue roasting and distributing. Financial support in our success is the only way we are able to be sustainable. We aren't a co-op.

4. any other specific questions can be addressed to John or myself via PM.

5. As a reminder there is no path for direct sales to our members. If you try you will be banned.

6. All current Distributors are allowed to sell their roasted coffee, no one else at this time but we are looking into considerations.

7. All roasted coffee sales through here must be from Green Coffee distributed through our forums including Blends.




Offline John F

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Re: FAQ about RCBC - Roasted coffee buying club
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2019, 02:46:53 PM »
The start of something new...... Awesome! O0
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: FAQ about RCBC - Roasted coffee buying club
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2019, 06:15:13 AM »
Let me add some logistics:

The flat rate envelopes you are used to getting 5 Lbs of coffee in.  Those will hold about 3 lb of roasted beans without stretching it out too far.
The flat rate Medium Box I want to say holds 6 or 8 pounds max, Ill have to check again when I get that much again.

The postage is still the same on the package so know that you will be getting a bit less quantity per package than if you did greens.
One suggestion I could possibly throw in here.  Order 10 Lbs of green coffee and then have the distro throw te roasted 2 lbs or maybe 3 in with that 10 lb order.  That way the postage is already paid for by the green beans.

This may be something we can start, you order 5 lbs of coffee from us,  say 10 lbs of coffee,  5 of two different types.  we can send you 4 green and 1 roasted for each one for the extra few dollars.  This would entirely have to be up to the specific distributor  / roaster though if they have the time.

Just toying with ideas.

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