Author Topic: Meet Gort!  (Read 43108 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #120 on: May 21, 2012, 04:58:32 PM »
Joe, hang in there.  Losing pets can be very hard.  I took a lightning strike about 4 years ago and it killed all my lizards.  People say big deal but they don't understand the bond a person can have with a pet, yes even a lowly lizard or bird or dog.

Animals are way smarter than humans in many aspects, especially some humans from mid southern states that look like a bulls schlong.  With that said, do know that your dog knows you are doing everything to help and she knows the love you have for her.

The condition your dog has is not one that is going to go away like a cold or flu.  Knowing this, please and yes this can be very hard, but be respectful what is best for her and not necessarily what is best for you.  If it gets to the point where she is suffering and there is little quality of life, let her pass as she would want to instead of selfishly keeping her around in pain and misery for your sake.  She expects you to do the right thing for her, even if that thing means you have to meet again at the rainbow bridge.   If you want someone to talk to, please feel free to call me at anytime.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #121 on: May 22, 2012, 04:44:31 AM »
I dunno what I'd do if I lost my two tiny boys.....Hope things turn out well....and ignore Tex, we all do.

Offline John F

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #122 on: May 22, 2012, 04:24:51 PM »
I've seen some jabs at ole Joe..

I'm trying to figure out how to ask my question without it sounding like I'm poking because I don't intend it, here goes.

Whats wrong with a special price for a select group?

Whoever complained because people helping test got a special price are idiots.

Sales, discounts, promotional offers... I dont see as how they are promises to future buyers of anything at all.

Granted I think the price for this looks very attractive as is and I doubt a promo is a deal maker/killer at all I just don't understand the logic of if one person got a special deal somebody else thinks everybody deserves it.

As for sick pets, it's a brutal experience for sure.

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #123 on: May 23, 2012, 01:28:29 PM »
I have to agree with you there john.    Some people believe they should get something for nothing, or if someone gets a break for whatever reason, they automatically deserve one as well.

WHen you look at this entire 'coffee group', not just our little gcbc niche but the other 'niches' as well, a VERY significant number of the members tend to learn towards the 'im special' category and yes, I can see a childish tantrum being thrown because they didn't get special pricing that they believe they are entitled to.

It would be nice to see a discount but I can understand fully Joe not wanting to go down that road and just avoid the drama and screeching from the crybabies out there.

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Offline peter

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #124 on: May 23, 2012, 07:30:04 PM »

It would be nice to see a discount but I can understand fully Joe not wanting to go down that road and just avoid the drama and screeching from the crybabies out there.


I would try not to be the crybaby, but...   if I was running a retail coffee place, online or B&M, trying to sell goods at retail or close to it, and they guy selling me the goods decides to offer it to hundreds of coffee-geeks at wholesale, I wouldn't be happy either.
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Offline John F

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #125 on: May 23, 2012, 07:46:50 PM »

I would try not to be the crybaby, but...   if I was running a retail coffee place, online or B&M, trying to sell goods at retail or close to it, and they guy selling me the goods decides to offer it to hundreds of coffee-geeks at wholesale, I wouldn't be happy either.

Is the machine in a price restricted distribution system?

I've noticed that certain things like video game systems cost exactly the same no matter where you buy them. Most things are not that strictly price regulated but if Gort is going to be sold exclusively for one rate no matter where you buy it then I understand...
"At no point should you be in condition white unless you are in your bed sleeping with your doors locked."

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Offline peter

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #126 on: May 23, 2012, 07:58:34 PM »

I would try not to be the crybaby, but...   if I was running a retail coffee place, online or B&M, trying to sell goods at retail or close to it, and they guy selling me the goods decides to offer it to hundreds of coffee-geeks at wholesale, I wouldn't be happy either.

Is the machine in a price restricted distribution system?

I've noticed that certain things like video game systems cost exactly the same no matter where you buy them. Most things are not that strictly price regulated but if Gort is going to be sold exclusively for one rate no matter where you buy it then I understand...

I can only speculate, which I should know better, but still do it...

If Gort's going to retail for $200, and I (as an online retailer) pay $160 for it, and have to tie up money for a dozed or two at a time, (or even if they drop-ship and I don't have to carry inventory) and all of a sudden it's offered to hundreds of coffee-geeks online for anywhere close to $160, I wouldn't be a happy camper.  It's like this; I'm trying to make a living selling coffee stuff and the manufacturer decides to sell it cheap, where does that leave me?
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Offline John F

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #127 on: May 23, 2012, 08:22:06 PM »
It sounds strange to ask this but how have sales and coupons ever worked in the past?
"At no point should you be in condition white unless you are in your bed sleeping with your doors locked."

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #128 on: May 24, 2012, 02:15:17 PM »
So then you don't carry his product peter.   They can buy it direct from him, and Maybe then.... go back to your site and get the filters, the paper, the coffee, the stir rods, etc etc. or go somewhere else, it's hard to say......  Or you can carry his product, not make a hell of a lot on it, but since they are there, all that stuff I just mentioned, they are buying straight from you, at the same time.

Have you ever heard of a loss leader?   Not to mention I seriously doubt that every single item he will ever sell, is going to happen in that one time 'deal' he did.

If your business is struggling that bad that one item is going to put it under, perhaps you should rethink your business plan, or let it go under, because you are not doing very well.

Just some thoughts.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #129 on: May 24, 2012, 02:48:17 PM »
There's two reasons I wouldn't discount if I were Joe. 

First of all we are his target audience.  If he sells directly to the people that are most likely to buy them then he pisses off the people that may carry this brewer or other products.

Secondly by offering a discount you are saying that the product you are selling isn't actually worth what you are selling it for.  I am a firm believer in avoiding offering coupons and discounts because although it may drive up volume it also stalls sells afterwards as people wait for another deal on your product. 

If you price your product correctly to begin with and make agreements with your re-sellers to maintain a minimum advertised price you will maintain a high level of sales (and profits) as long as you have a great product and good marketing. 

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #130 on: May 24, 2012, 04:23:06 PM »
Then again, puting a product out at a discount, to reward those who may have supported you / assisted you, or even your target audience, to get some out there to get it 'known' and commented on with real life experiences is also a good way to get it going as well.

I wasn't going to get a technivorn because it just seemed a bit high to me.  When I seen it go on a nice sale at a website, I said, well hell, I always wanted one, and now they are on sale, im gonna get it at that price.  Some things I am going to get whether they are on sale or not.  Other things I pretty much am not interested in, sale or not.

Again, so you sold me a techie on the cheap.  You didn't make a hell of a lot of money off it, but now that I DO have it, I need the filters, and cleaning stuff, etc, so now have to buy that from you too.  Passing up the big bucks on that one item, got me 'on the hook' and now you can make your money off me on the 'little items' I will need now that I do have that 'big' item.

A good salesman also looks down the road, not just at the immediate sale or item in front of them.

I really don't need another coffee brewer, even this neat nifty new fandangled one.  I really like what it promises so far, but is that 'neatness' enough to push me over the 'jesus aaron you have how many now!!!'  threshold?  A sale or discount very well might make it worth while.

No Im not mooching for a sale but just stating as an example.  Im going to get one anyways because I am getting into tea now as well, and I really like the pick you temp option it has.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline peter

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #131 on: May 24, 2012, 04:38:24 PM »
I wasn't going to get a technivorn because it just seemed a bit high to me.  When I seen it go on a nice sale at a website, I said, well hell, I always wanted one, and now they are on sale, im gonna get it at that price.  Some things I am going to get whether they are on sale or not.  Other things I pretty much am not interested in, sale or not.

But the difference there is that it was the retailer at the website that decided to have the sale, not the manufacturer.
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #132 on: May 24, 2012, 04:47:56 PM »
point taken peter, but in the end, I paid the same no matter who put the discount on it.  I still need the other stuff to go with etc.

Also as said before, it's the launch of his new product, it's not like he would be undercutting his distributors all the time. Eitherway he is not doing it so ...

The original argument was I believe purchasers / customers bitching, your / our arguement turned into distributors complaining. Each has it's merits and the scenario does not fit exactly the same over each instance so we really can't say this is this way with customers and assume it's the same with the distributors.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!


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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #133 on: May 24, 2012, 04:48:22 PM »
The only way it can become a viable product is to be picked up by a mass seller like Costco, who'll then undercut all other retailers. Maybe by offering deals to members of forums with thousands of members, the product could pick up some marketing momentum; otherwise how many folks are going to shell out a premium price for a machine that so few are talking about?

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Meet Gort!
« Reply #134 on: May 24, 2012, 04:50:48 PM »
Well Tex, the Behmore was not a 'mainstream' product.   In honesty none of this 'stuff' really is.  It's a niche item selling to a niche crowd.   Not the costco / walmart crowd.  He did very well with the behmore selling to a niche crowd, as many other manufacturers did.   I don't see how you can justify that the only way to be successful is if mass marketing picks up on it.

Also, how can you say nobody is talking about it, we have been doing so for the past 10 pages, or are your meds wearing off again?

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!