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Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months

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I always use 2 poppers to roast. I have an older Poplite which works every time, then I use the latest new Poplite right after. The old one never fails but all the new ones keep crashing after a month of use. The poppers are dead cold when I start. The old Poplite never fails, several new Poplites which I keep buying overheat within a month or 2.
Any ideas?


Some poppers have fusible links that "melt" when the popper gets too hot as opposed to thermal cutout switches which limit maximum temperature. Maybe Poplite switched from a switch to a link. Once the link melts, it must be replaced for the Popper to operate. Mildly shielding the fusible link with a piece of foil often solves the problem, although now you have a potential fire hazard if the shielding is too effective!

Thanks for your response. It Does go on again in a few minutes. And I now find that it works if I use less beans than with the other older popper. It’s just such a pain bc they used to work for years.

Ok, so you have a thermal cutoff switch.  They may have moved the location of the switch or now use a lower temperature unit.  If you are willing to disassemble the popper, it is usually easy to find the thermal sensor - often a button like object with two wires attached placed against the roasting chamber.  Any air gap you create between the switch and the chamber wall will help stave off the shutdown.  All of my early poppers had this issue.  Once the cutoff switch is adjusted to allow a bit more heat, the roasts turned out better and I could run larger batch sizes.

Tried taking one of these things apart once. I think I was trying to do that. Worked perfectly for the guy on YouTube. Mine was a no go. I can barely change a light bulb, especially now that they’re leds. 😂😂 Thanks though.


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