Author Topic: Stir Crazy Power Cord  (Read 4036 times)


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Stir Crazy Power Cord
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:53:26 PM »
I took my SC/CO to my brother's place to roast some coffee on-site for them, and ended up having to pull the Convection Oven off every minute or so to stir manually since I lost my Sitr Crazy power cord somewhere between home and his place.

Does anyone happen to know of an inexpensive replacement for this?  Going to the WestBend website, it costs half what a whole new Stir Crazy would cost ($15 for the power cord, $30 for a brand new popper).  Even maybe an old SC that has bit the dust, but the power cord might still push some juice...i appreciate any and all ideas.




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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 10:48:09 PM »
I took my SC/CO to my brother's place to roast some coffee on-site for them, and ended up having to pull the Convection Oven off every minute or so to stir manually since I lost my Sitr Crazy power cord somewhere between home and his place.

Does anyone happen to know of an inexpensive replacement for this?  Going to the WestBend website, it costs half what a whole new Stir Crazy would cost ($15 for the power cord, $30 for a brand new popper).  Even maybe an old SC that has bit the dust, but the power cord might still push some juice...i appreciate any and all ideas.



Time to hit the thrift stores.  The local Valu Village has a wall of cords (and adaptors, etc) for a buck apiece.   Usually my SC's outlast the cord, as the plastic shatters when I carelessly drop it on the concrete floor of the roasting shed.  I have a couple that spark and arc when I use them...  If you can't find one at a local thrift store, I'll try to remember to grab a couple next time I'm at Valu Village.  Another possibility is the cord from an old west bend coffee urn.  I used one of those in a pinch before.  In fact, I might still have one of those, since I took the old coffee urn out shooting.   >:D

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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 09:05:42 AM »

I have one you can have for nothing, other than the cost of mailing it.  PM me if interested. 

But BW is right; this cord is fairly universal, and you should be able to find something that'll work at a thrift store.
Quote of the Day; \"...yet you refuse to come to Me that you


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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 10:41:45 PM »
Universal, indeed!  I found one that works perfectly, in a box of cords from "things I never throw away" (pack rat by blood, runs in the family).  Thanks for all the help!


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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2008, 06:33:15 AM »
Universal, indeed!  I found one that works perfectly, in a box of cords from "things I never throw away" (pack rat by blood, runs in the family).  Thanks for all the help!

Very Nice!!  My wife hates your story of success, as I tend to have the same family problem as you. :)  When we moved last time, she sent me into the basement to go through my things.  Hours later, she comes down finding me reminiscing about the glory days gone by with a huge 'keep' pile and a meager 'trash' pile.  Anybody need a "surround sound encoder" to hook up to their 2-ch stereo circa 1989?  I got one!

Oh well, she's stuck with me now...



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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2008, 05:37:45 AM »
Stubbie and Dartag,

Reading this thread cracks me up.  I have always been a packrat, my wife polar opposite, so the need to collect is somewhat tempered.  I have every computer I've ever owned (including a DEC VT100 and UDS tone generating modem I used to use to dial into the PDP11-70 - sometimes to get it connected I had to wistle into the handset to get it to sync up - bad copper I think).  I love books - I can't step out of the house without one in my briefcase or back pocket, so I have thousands.  Cables - well, I used to build all my own, so I have enough copper to mint my own coins, being a 3rd generation Baby Bell'er - I really should visit the scrap yard and see what I can get for it.

I have been musing (after reading Joe's PC-TV thread), about digitizing all media - books, pictures, music, movies, games, etc.  Costs for hardware have come down to the point where this is feasible.  Just a thought...


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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2008, 08:19:22 AM »
Looks like I'm in good company, here.  Space at the ranch is heatedly negotiated, as BW hoards things and MrsBW watches all of those heretical TV shows where they 'declutter' (use the same tone as you would for 'vivisection' or 'castration').  I pay $70 a month for a storage unit as well (12x12 with 11' ceiling) that is packed full of crap (that I could have tossed and only repurchased the things that I actually would have used multiple times over with the ~$3500 I spent renting storage over the last 8 years...).  Nevertheless, it has become a issue of stubbornness - I must not 'lose' - as I view my home and stuff as sacred.  So what if I have 14 Poppery II's on a shelf, 1300# of green coffee, 2200 music CD's, and more books than the average small-town library?  (Anyone wanna buy some baseball cards?)

It can come in handy to have stuff like this everywhere - my friend came over two weeks ago, new to recovery, and lacking a computer.  We put one together with pieces and parts from my 'junk', and had it running Mandriva Linux in less than 90 minutes.  And when I am doing some sort of 'project' at 2AM, I don't have to wait for the hardware store or Radio Shack to open in the morning, although sometimes it takes a couple hours to find what I'm looking for...

sometimes to get it connected I had to wistle into the handset to get it to sync up - bad copper I think
2600 Hz?   ;)

I have been musing (after reading Joe's PC-TV thread), about digitizing all media - books, pictures, music, movies, games, etc.  Costs for hardware have come down to the point where this is feasible.  Just a thought...
Wait a minute!  Digital media is not nearly as stable as a book or a printed photo...  We discover this all the time when we go to get data off of a floppy from 1995, only to discover that background radiation and 'migration' has rendered over 50% of those disks useless by now.  CD-R's were thought to be nearly indestructible and permanent, however it is being discovered that they are actually only good for about 15-20 years - so ya gotta duplicate them every 8 or 10 years onto current digital media...  Solid state digital drives (thumb drives, etc) are even more dicey...  My Dad transferred every photo, slide, home movie, video, tape recording, and family document onto CD's, then more recently to DVD's.  I get read the riot act that these 'sacred family records' must be copied to currently-used media and stored in at least two locations so that they aren't ever lost... 


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Re: Stir Crazy Power Cord
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2008, 03:14:31 PM »
Looks like I'm in good company, here.  Space at the ranch is heatedly negotiated, as BW hoards things and MrsBW watches all of those heretical...

I found this post absolutely delightful.  Loved in the whimsical, introspective glance...
