Author Topic: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please  (Read 54514 times)

Offline sea330

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #105 on: January 02, 2016, 08:56:46 AM »
I find is disgusting that somebody would go public with a problem that was an obvious mistake, not having the brains to resolve it on there own, I have no respect for that guy. 


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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #106 on: January 02, 2016, 09:24:25 AM »
This sounds like a bad start to worse ongoing experience. I bought a roaster a few months ago and have been experiencing such problems, different company. I had a screw that should have been a rivet, fall into the roasting apparatus, which later went into my 1K grinder, because I didn't notice it had fallen off in with the roasting beans. The screw froze up my burs, and that cost money too. There were other problems also and the result I got when requesting help, "you are the kind of customer all businesses hate to deal with." BBB is my suggestion, if you don't get what you feel is "fair!"

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #107 on: January 02, 2016, 09:40:20 AM »
Actually Sea, given the initial response he got, it was fair game to go public with his issue IMO.  The issue got resolved, THAT is what is important here.  The issue DID get resolved.  I agree with you that minor stuff folks should resolve in the background and not try to stir up the typical facebook drama but in this case, it was probably warranted.

Even if it was just 'trivial' stuff, bringing it to the public's eye and saying, "Hey, I had a bit of a problem with so and so, but WOW, did they fix it and FAST", is actually GOOD PR for them.  Stuff happens, we all know that, we get it, but seeing that a company DOES stand behind their customers when things aren't picture perfect means a LOT to everyone.

Now one could argue that perhaps the issue would not have been resolved to the extent it did if he did NOT go public with it, but that's all just speculation, there is no way to ever know that and folks will believe what they want to believe.

Yes there are dirt bag business people out there.
Yes there are crybaby customers out there.

But having a venue such as this, where both sides can post their 'side' of the story, helps alleviate a lot of the bullshit and drama that can often happen when only 'one' side is being told and that person wants to play the victim.  It allows the reader (that would be us) to develop our own opinions and theories on what is really going on.   Honestly, I can't see this being anything but GOOD from a business stand point, it protects both the customer and the vendor.

For the record, the problem WAS taken care of.  I don't see how this is a further issue, unless other folks are having problems as well.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline sea330

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #108 on: January 02, 2016, 11:29:52 AM »
I think if you don't have management and problem solving skills you probably shouldn’t even think about going into business, if a vendor refuses to respond to a problem I would have had an attorney send a certified letter demanding a resolution, as Robert said, there is always two sides of a story, in this case only one side was public. 

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #109 on: January 02, 2016, 11:55:34 AM »
sea and Robert, I believe the other party DID post here with their 'side' of the story.  If they didn't, they certainly had the opportunity to, so if it did not occur, that's on them. In fact, I believe it was their posting that brought about the short lived but vibrant sub thread of 'Histrionics' that went on in here.

If the problem was with SM's I think the same 'results' would have happened.  GCBC is not aligned or 'allied' with SM's in any way to the best of my knowledge, so no they would not get kid glove treatment. In fact when you look at some of the histories with some of our members and SM's I bet the topic would be VERY alive.

When you look at the thread evolution, we were discussing credit cards and some not having overseas warranties. The genre of the 'topic' had well strayed from the OP, as happens often around here.  The original problem was then kind of Lazarus ed, and everyone's butt hurt again.

If it bothers you so much, then why keep it alive by commenting, and not just let it die off?  People love to post and suffer their 'outrages' but in the process of doing so, are just adding to the problem even more, and when you look at what the problem apparently is that is offending you, you are doing the exact same thing!

Just saying.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Joe

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #110 on: January 02, 2016, 12:38:12 PM »
The fact that this thread was stickied is sickening. Just proves my point about it being personal. If this had been SM's or any other vendor it would have died out long ago.

That wasn't me so I think anyone can sticky it...I'll unstick it now.

But I'm not sure of some of the personal feelings about this. Sounds like some people have a lot of skin in it or as you call it "personal"

I mean Charly is slinging curse words and personal attacks for what? Because I let people say their side of the story? Doth protest too much!

Offline Joe

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #111 on: January 02, 2016, 12:40:38 PM »
sea and Robert, I believe the other party DID post here with their 'side' of the story.  If they didn't, they certainly had the opportunity to, so if it did not occur, that's on them. In fact, I believe it was their posting that brought about the short lived but vibrant sub thread of 'Histrionics' that went on in here.

If the problem was with SM's I think the same 'results' would have happened.  GCBC is not aligned or 'allied' with SM's in any way to the best of my knowledge, so no they would not get kid glove treatment. In fact when you look at some of the histories with some of our members and SM's I bet the topic would be VERY alive.

When you look at the thread evolution, we were discussing credit cards and some not having overseas warranties. The genre of the 'topic' had well strayed from the OP, as happens often around here.  The original problem was then kind of Lazarus ed, and everyone's butt hurt again.

If it bothers you so much, then why keep it alive by commenting, and not just let it die off?  People love to post and suffer their 'outrages' but in the process of doing so, are just adding to the problem even more, and when you look at what the problem apparently is that is offending you, you are doing the exact same thing!

Just saying.


Once again someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight actually remembers with dead on accuracy or maybe has the skills to read through the thread. for those that are interested read the entire thread.

Offline Joe

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #112 on: January 02, 2016, 12:43:12 PM »
Enough, Joe. You're being such a d@#$ here and I can't figure out why. One customer complained about getting the wrong colored roaster, and after some back and forth gets his money back. Ambex screwed over customers for years (all's ok now under new management I think) and *crickets* from you. I bought my roaster from Mill City, it's everything I ever hoped for and more. Customer service has been excellent, and nobody from MC asked me to defend them here. Aaron has always been a grouch but you seem to have something personal going on.


Odd response, Charly,

Do me a favor and read my first 2-3 posts quote them if you like. I think I said something to the effect that it should all work out and that the people involved would definitely make this right. hmmmm...? That doesn't seem to go in line with the picture your painting.

I'm glad you got your North roaster, enjoy it. I don't recall anyone saying anything different.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 01:47:42 PM by Joe »

Offline sea330

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #113 on: January 02, 2016, 12:44:11 PM »
Well said Aaron, I shouldn't expect any folks to live the way I conduct myself, we live in a world of distrust , fear of getting screwed, paranoia , a bunch of angry people out there.

Offline Joe

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #114 on: January 02, 2016, 01:32:46 PM »
Well said Aaron, I shouldn't expect any folks to live the way I conduct myself, we live in a world of distrust , fear of getting screwed, paranoia , a bunch of angry people out there.

But to be clear both sides got out. It just so happened that the other side everyone was waiting for wasn't really a good thing. The pictures of the roaster colors were in particular mind changing to most people who had defaulted to the unspoken side.

On the attorney stuff in your previous post, that is always a last resort and there would have to be several steps taken to resolve stuff out of court. Most people don't want to spend $300 for an attorney to draft a letter to encourage the right decision when usually people make the right decision when given the opportunity. Or if there is purchase protection from your funding source which was the answer to the original question. not to mention that the amount of potential damage was small claims at most= no attorneys.

MCR had made the right decision eventually and thus avoided the OP taking additional steps.

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Mill City Roasters- Bad experience, NEED Help Please
« Reply #115 on: January 02, 2016, 02:34:14 PM »
I would like to request we let this topic die off a natural death.  I think both sides have stated their feelings and the air is clear now... at least hopefully a bit cleaner.

I understand there may be some 'personal' issues still left unsolved here.
I would respectfully request that the parties involved please take it to Private Messages.
I can honestly not see anymore benefit to be gained by comments directed towards individuals anymore in this thread.
Lets leave it as is and keep our dignities.

Thank you.
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!