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Late July - Aug BOO Berry Blowout Distro. Issues? Look here !!

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Hello everyone.

First and foremost, an update.
If you ordered coffee from the last July to TODAY   8.14.23  at 6 am EST.


I will say again,  ALL orders are ON THEIR WAY to YOU!

There are a few issues going on right now that I am aware of and working with the folks involved to solve.

1.  The post office has delivered some packages to people and the other packages ordered and shipped on the same day are,  (Going thru the system)

I'll be polite and not tell you it means they #^%$%$# up again, and sent it to the wrong place and are waiting for it to come back.
All we can do is wait.  I am sorry.

2.  The UPS.  I have a batch of 7 packages that were sent out holding orders from about the 26th and 27th of last month.  For some reason they got scanned but did NOT make it into their system.  I am finding most of them are working to their destinations, HOWEVER if you have any that have not made it yet, please ask me, I can provide tracking AND will initiate the lost package, and get a new one on it's way to you if needed.

3.  I have a few individuals who I still have issues with and waiting to hear back from them.  I'll cover that on my next post in this


If YOU have any outstanding issues from this last distribution from late July - thru to Today,  PLEASE post them here!  On THIS THREAD.

Thank you

Some ongoing PROBLEMS.

1. This was the largest distribution EVER that we have made on the GCBC here!   When it was all tallied up.  I shipped 3,024 Lbs of coffee to 216 people!
That is over a ton and a half of coffee to over 200 People it a few weeks.  Well ok 3 weeks :)

it's just ME here, doing all this.  I know some of you are pissed because it took a few weeks to get to your order finally, but I have over 100 orders on the first day alone!  This takes time to process.    Having to go through 100's of e mails, and DM's LITERALLY !!!, and the Pay Pal,  so and so has started a conversation also takes up a lot of time to do as well.

I believe I have replied to everyone who has DM'd me.  I received 18 pages of DM's from this distro alone, not to mention the other DM's from other things that are not related to this distro, that I get as well.

If you asked me a question via E mail, Pay Pal, DM here, or other means and HAVE NOT HEARD BACK from me.
PLEASE ASK your question here so I can see it.  If it involves any personal info, such as your full name, address etc, Please use discretion what you post to this PUBLIC FORUM.  You are more than welcome to post here,  Aaron I have a ??  I send you a DM about xxxxyy.  To protect yourself.

I will address each person personally as I hear from you but PLEASE post here so i see your requests.

Thank you again.


I have TWO individuals who I need to speak to.

Adam Kahn,  please tell me what you ordered so I can ship it!  The amount of money you sent matches to nothing that I can see and you provided no other info.
Thank you.

Triton Network Systems, you gave me NO shipping address and have me blocked from your Pay Pal DM's and your e mail is unanswered.
PLEASE get with me and give me an address to send your beans to!

Thank you

Let me add one other tidbit.

I have  4 of you that are waiting on stuff that came in Post Office Boxes.  (Hawaii customer this is NOT YOUR case though)    One of those 4 is an overseas customer to Korea.    I had to wait on a new shipment of boxes from the post office to ship your stuff out.  I got some from the local post offices, I tried 3 of them but the new large flat rates are pieces of shit.  The cardboard is real flimsy, a lot thinner like they tried to get away with a 16ECTor something!!  and even worse, the glue that held them together at the final fold edge was not done coffectly so if you pulled a little on it, the box came apart!   I tried 3 or 4 boxes and with a pound or so pull it'd just zip right open,and you could see that instead of a strip of glue down most the entire length of the flap, they put a little dab there and even that wasn't done right so it just popped open.  This has happened a few times already over the years, and it seems the problem corrects itself over the next few months as they 'fix their boxes' then reship.

I am NOT shipping a slappy flappy box to Korea, having it get destroyed half way thru and then be out $250.00 between shipping and beans!  I apologize but think you should understand why the delay.  Your box IS on the way though, I got NEW boxes and used them.

ALL post office boxes are on their way,  I'll let you know this afternoon after the mailman actually grabs them and scans them hopefully!

THank you

thanks for the updates aaron.  something you might consider, even though it would require extra work on your part.  my guess is that most, if not all, of your payments come through paypal.  there is a screen on the paypal orders page which will allow you to mark the order as "shipped", along with the carrier and tracking.  paypal then sends out an email to the payee that there order is on the way, along with providing the tracking number.  over time, adding this extra step may, in fact, save you time.


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