Author Topic: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks  (Read 169234 times)


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Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« on: July 31, 2009, 08:02:14 PM »

I've been using my Sonofresco roaster long enough now that I have questions/observations.

First question?
I'm wondering what effect the burning of the chaff has on the temp readings? The chaff collector screen collects a lot of burning chaff just under the temperature sensor. This is most noticeable if one roasts at night - it's like fireflies coming out the chimney.

It seems to me the programs are reading the burning chaff temps, not the bean mass. I'm thinking of fitting a screen tube into the chaff collector, so the area just below the sensor will only pick up the temp of the bean mass, not the flaming debris from the roast.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 09:35:01 AM by Joe »

Offline J.Jirehs Roaster

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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2009, 08:48:07 PM »
I've been using my Sonofresco roaster long enough now that I have questions/observations.

First question?
I'm wondering what effect the burning of the chaff has on the temp readings? The chaff collector screen collects a lot of burning chaff just under the temperature sensor. This is most noticeable if one roasts at night - it's like fireflies coming out the chimney.

It seems to me the programs are reading the burning chaff temps, not the bean mass. I'm thinking of fitting a screen tube into the chaff collector, so the area just below the sensor will only pick up the temp of the bean mass, not the flaming debris from the roast.


That is an intriguing thought??? but I think the air is moving so fast that the heat let off by the bits of chaff are not throwing off the sensor enough to be more important than the effect of the chaff blocking the screen


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2009, 09:21:47 PM »
I've been using my Sonofresco roaster long enough now that I have questions/observations.

First question?
I'm wondering what effect the burning of the chaff has on the temp readings? The chaff collector screen collects a lot of burning chaff just under the temperature sensor. This is most noticeable if one roasts at night - it's like fireflies coming out the chimney.

It seems to me the programs are reading the burning chaff temps, not the bean mass. I'm thinking of fitting a screen tube into the chaff collector, so the area just below the sensor will only pick up the temp of the bean mass, not the flaming debris from the roast.


That is an intriguing thought??? but I think the air is moving so fast that the heat let off by the bits of chaff are not throwing off the sensor enough to be more important than the effect of the chaff blocking the screen

The screen on my roaster is jet black in the center (2" diameter) from the burning chaff. From ~300°, the chaff that collects there is burned off - it looks like a catalytic burner on a gas BBQ. It must be getting pretty hot there. I'd be willing to bet that the speed of the less-than-totally-incombustible gasses as it's compressed at the chimney, is creating a blast furnace effect.

Next time I roast I'll stick a probe up under the screen and another next to the roaster probe to see what difference, if any, there really is.


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2009, 08:34:10 AM »
That's an interesting thought there Tex!  Let us know what you find out.

On a side note, I like what Tex has started here.  Any way we could get a Sonofresco sticky for the Sono guys in the group?


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2009, 02:07:23 PM »
I have a question for you Sono guys.  I've been using about 1.2#s of green per batch.  At the start of the batch the beans take a minute to get moving.  As a result, there are a few beans on the bottom that get browned really quick.  By the end of the roast, there are 10-20 very over roasted beans (can you say charcoal?).  It's not much and takes less than a minute to sort them out.  Have you guys found any way to avoid this or is it something I'll just have to live with?


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2009, 02:42:00 PM »
I roast 1 - 1.5 lb batches (smaller bean size = bigger batches), and although the beans move more slowly at first, they're all moving right from the start.

I've not noticed many, but there are always some crispy critters. I sorta figured them to be hollow beans, maybe from another crop or batch that got mixed in at the coops. Whatever, since there's so few I don't bother picking them out.

BTW: This problem seems to occur with S/O beans, more than quality blends. The Red Sea Blend I roasted last had no crispy critters that I saw and ditto for the Monkey Blend from SM's I roasted last month (I keep roasting logs with that sort of minutia recorded - can you say ANAL boys & girls?) ;D


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2009, 02:48:40 PM »
Yeah the beans are moving from the start, but there are some that get stuck on the bottom until they really start to hop.  I notice them about 1 minute into the roast as they work their way to the top.  While the rest of the beans are still pale yellow, there are a few light/medium brown beans in there.  It is similar to when using a popper and not stirring at the start of the roast.  It's just that on the Sono there is no way to get in there and stir.  I'm thinking I'll probably just have to sort them out.  No big deal.  By the way, I'm loving this roaster!


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2009, 03:29:18 PM »
Some beans do, some don't.  I attribute it more to water content... some beans are heavier at first so they don't move.  Then when they sit at the bottom for a bit, they roast quickly and then up they go to the top.  Depending on the crop some all move evenly.  I don't bother to sort them either.  I figure it's way less than 1/10 of 1%  (how many beans per lb?).


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2009, 03:35:43 PM »
I don't bother to sort them either.  I figure it's way less than 1/10 of 1%  (how many beans per lb?).
I agree that I've seen it more with some beans than others. 

The sorting is more something to do while I roast the next batch.  I agree there aren't enough to alter the taste.  Besides, all these problems will be done away when the The Widget hits the market, right? 

By the way, do you guys preheat the roast chamber before your first roast?


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2009, 04:28:13 PM »
By the way, do you guys preheat the roast chamber before your first roast?

No, I figure it wouldn't impact the program one way or the other.

One thing I was considering was preheating the beans to see if that will let me coast into first crack on a shallower curve? I plan to heat the beans in a colander setting on top of the air-popper, until a probe 2" above the bean mass reaches a predetermined temp (200° or ??).  I'm hoping the program will think the beans have been cooking awhile and go into the slower response mode.

I sure need a good data tracking software package. Guess I'll have to break down and buy a new toy from Omega or Fluke.


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2009, 04:33:32 PM »

By the way, do you guys preheat the roast chamber before your first roast?
nope, you probably don't need to.  The air is the heat transfer medium not the chamber.

Part of the profile is somewhat of a preheat.  I think if you look at the milowidget thread there is a plot I did with the thermocouple at the top of the chaff screen.


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2009, 04:45:46 PM »
nope, you probably don't need to.  The air is the heat transfer medium not the chamber.

Part of the profile is somewhat of a preheat.  I think if you look at the milowidget thread there is a plot I did with the thermocouple at the top of the chaff screen.

Gotcha.  I just thought that I had read somewhere about someone preheating the chamber and wondered what advantage it might be ???

BTW.  How do you guys keep the screen clean?  I am using channel lock pliers and a Mapp torch and it seems to be working great!


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2009, 04:56:47 PM »

BTW.  How do you guys keep the screen clean?  I am using channel lock pliers and a Mapp torch and it seems to be working great!
Soak it overnight in oxiclean or TSP

I also use a brass wire brush to knock off the chaff after each roast, but the oils do build up after a while.... that's when I oxiclean it.


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2009, 05:06:50 PM »

BTW.  How do you guys keep the screen clean?  I am using channel lock pliers and a Mapp torch and it seems to be working great!
Soak it overnight in oxiclean or TSP

I also use a brass wire brush to knock off the chaff after each roast, but the oils do build up after a while.... that's when I oxiclean it.

Have you seen pics of milo's roaster? It reminds me of my college dorm room - funky!


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Re: Sonofresco / Q&A / Tip & Tricks
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2009, 06:40:37 PM »

You said you would take care of MY roaster.  And now it looks like a dorm room....geeze :)