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Hello everyone:
What a crazy last 2 weeks.
So I managed to lock myself out of my own website by attempting to log in admin from away from home and not remembering my password.. 
Trying to create a new acct / log in to let folks know, caused the hack detector to block my IP / fingerprint my device and block that....
It would show me logged in, even in the logs, I might even get a fast message off, but then kick me and ban me.. grrr.  The erratic part is what really burns me, NO reason for that,either you work or you don't.

This is actually a good thing, but not when you step on your own petard :(  Ill probably be looking for a new hosting company here as well, as the cust service was NOT stellar as promised.

Im BACK in Jax, Florida now. finally....
I got FULL access back to my website here...  I'll figure out this so it NEVER happens again, Ill figure some sort of safeguard.

I got my truck back from the repair shop, hopefully it's fixed, still a chance for it to go boom again but still under the last legs of it's warranty so if it blows, let it be NOW while it's still covered.

I had orders from about 2 weeks ago to 1 week ago, I processed and sent the shipping labels to an ...ill call her, associate, to ship out... didn't happen, so there is that.  Ill deal with it later.. and her.  Lesson learned:  Be Careful who you trust, especially 'friends' they'll $##@ you every time.   Why is getting good help so darned hard?  It's like everyone is afraid of a little honest work, that involves a little honest labor, but it's not back breaking bagging coffee ffs, I mean really?  Time consuming oh hell yes, but not back breaking.

So.... currently.,

My health,  ehh,  it is what it is.
My neice, she's doing a lot better, it looks like the caner is gone, so hopefully she's looking up.
My sister, she won't have her results back from pathology / oncology until friday but they are pretty sure they got everything out and have a good feeling it is NOT cancer again.  If it is, she's not fighting it again, so there is that.  Keeping my fingers crossed.
Them being in the Chicago area, me in Jax, Florida is not helpful either.  That distance can feel like a million miles sometimes.

Moving forward.

#1 sending this message out so you all know im not gone.
#2 im tired, I need to take a nap, im just.. drained, physically, mentally, im tired.
#3 I will get up later tonight, (Wednesday) grab some coffee (of course) and lean into this mess and get all these backorders figured out, and everything out and caught up TODAY / TONIGHT  / TOMORROW you will see shipping notices that it is OUT.

By tomorrow morning 9 am,  ALL orders that there are not hard problems with (hard meaning, you didn't send me a shipping address etc) will be in UPS / USPS hands,  ALL messages will be replied to in the forum and updated.  Ill sift thru the e mails and see that nothing got caught as spam.  Should not be TOO many, but it does burp now and then.

By Friday, I hope to have my stuff setup to  spend Sat roasting all this coffee I got sitting here waiting to go out.  Ordered it a month or so agao, it's here now I need to get it going !!

Let me get this posted and e mailed out to everyone, as I at least owe you some sort of explanation why I disappeared.

Wow, I thought SO much that 2024 would be better than 23 was, boy did I blow that prediction !!

For those who requested refunds, if you still want them, I fully understand Ill reach out and if you still want a refund Ill immediately refund ALL your money.

Thank you

For those still around, thank you for sticking this out, for what it's worth, it does mean a lot to me.  I have / had such plans of things I wanted to do with my 'coffee stuff'  yet here we are... right in this place......  Cancer sucks.


Best wishes to you and yours, Aaron and I hope things start looking up!

Michael Lloyd

Hi Aaron, sounds like an ordeal, sending good karma to you and your family, you are due for a turn around!

Thanks for 'proof of life' update. 100% agree - cancer sux. Too many good people lost too soon.


Aaronn, warm regards and healing thoughts coming your way for your niece, you, and the family.  Barbara


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