Author Topic: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months  (Read 34983 times)

Offline newroaster

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I always use 2 poppers to roast. I have an older Poplite which works every time, then I use the latest new Poplite right after. The old one never fails but all the new ones keep crashing after a month of use. The poppers are dead cold when I start. The old Poplite never fails, several new Poplites which I keep buying overheat within a month or 2.
Any ideas?

Offline ptrmorton

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2023, 11:34:33 AM »

Some poppers have fusible links that "melt" when the popper gets too hot as opposed to thermal cutout switches which limit maximum temperature. Maybe Poplite switched from a switch to a link. Once the link melts, it must be replaced for the Popper to operate. Mildly shielding the fusible link with a piece of foil often solves the problem, although now you have a potential fire hazard if the shielding is too effective!
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 11:53:11 AM by ptrmorton »
AZ Peter

Proverbs 3:5-6

Offline newroaster

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2023, 02:02:13 PM »
Thanks for your response. It Does go on again in a few minutes. And I now find that it works if I use less beans than with the other older popper. It’s just such a pain bc they used to work for years.

Offline ptrmorton

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2023, 02:43:40 PM »
Ok, so you have a thermal cutoff switch.  They may have moved the location of the switch or now use a lower temperature unit.  If you are willing to disassemble the popper, it is usually easy to find the thermal sensor - often a button like object with two wires attached placed against the roasting chamber.  Any air gap you create between the switch and the chamber wall will help stave off the shutdown.  All of my early poppers had this issue.  Once the cutoff switch is adjusted to allow a bit more heat, the roasts turned out better and I could run larger batch sizes.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2023, 02:45:52 PM by ptrmorton »
AZ Peter

Proverbs 3:5-6

Offline newroaster

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2023, 03:11:01 PM »
Tried taking one of these things apart once. I think I was trying to do that. Worked perfectly for the guy on YouTube. Mine was a no go. I can barely change a light bulb, especially now that they’re leds. 😂😂 Thanks though.

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2023, 04:56:05 AM »
They were getting too many returns for 'issues' from overheating. Ie people who don't read instructions etc, and overloading the thing and making things go BTFU.  Gee, people not following instructions, say it ain't SO !!!  as the Z glances up from it's phone, annoyed at the 2 seconds you just took away from it calibrating it's selfie stick.

It's a thermal cutout that is tripping.  Some coffees are more prone to this.  For lack of a better way to put it, some coffee's their surfaces are rather rough and they don't loft / move very well, this creates a bit of a back pressure, which keeps the heat down in the unit more, instead of being expelled up into the beans where it is intended, it overheats and shuts down.  Overloading causes this as well.

WARNING:   Any adjustments you make to the item will void any warranty and potentially create a hazard, if it does catch fire, is a chaffer as an example, it may NOT shut off properly until all the magic smoke is let out of the wires including inside your walls!

With that being said, you can bypass the thermister, or put a higher value one in there so it trips later, or as mentioned, move it away from the side a bit,  but do know air is a wonderful insulator, so even a tiny will make a HUGE difference in shut off temp.  You may end up melting things in the long run or drying out fan bushings, premature failure etc etc.

What I had to do with my original I roast when it started acting up is twirl it in a roundy roundy motion when roasting to keep the beans moving around, to help air flow thru it until either they smoothed out enough on their own due to the friction of them roasting OR,... more often than not, the roast was done.  or B:  roast less at a shot, throw half an oz less / an oz less in there and see how that works.

Naturals are fairly bad at being the scruffy beans, due to their processing method, being LESS processing hence are rougher surfaced.

Play around be be careful and always.


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Offline ptrmorton

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2023, 06:17:28 PM »
Aaron's right about the cutoff switch air gap.  Small difference in the gap make a big difference, but it doesn't sound like that is a good solution for you.  Aaron's agitation suggestions might be a better fit or I used to use a sifter with a small chimney arrangement to agitate the beans and control the temps better.
AZ Peter

Proverbs 3:5-6

Offline newroaster

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2023, 05:12:57 PM »
Sadly, I have the chimney already and I do the swirling thing Aaron describes too. It seems now to squeak by without stopping if I use less than a half cup of beans. The old poplite just keeps on chugging even with more than a half cup. Good to know that Aaron had to do these antics with the I- roast too which I was also considering.

Offline brianmch

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2023, 11:22:32 AM »
The Popper as a Roaster isn't a whole lot better. Although I have figured out that if I roll heat down 10% about 1/2 way through Malliard it won't overheat right before 1C.

Offline newroaster

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2023, 05:11:55 PM »
Hi Brian, Could you explain this in more detail?

Offline newroaster

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2023, 05:26:43 PM »
Oh, you’re talking about Sweet Maria’s gizmo?

Offline brianmch

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2023, 05:33:11 AM »
Hi Brian, Could you explain this in more detail?

Yes, it is that SM gizmo.

It has variable fan and temp out the chute.  I use a watt-meter between the plug and wall to monitor draw. 

It's really weird and like the Bullet roaster in that it gets a roast to yellow super fast but runs out of steam getting through Malliard.  So, I have to crank it up pretty hard in an effort to get the ratio below yellow.  When I run it at 100% though a thermo-safety kicks in and I lose all heat right before going into 1C, but if I run it at say 90% and turn the fan down it won't trip the safety. 

Maybe our electrician Aaron will be able to explain this phenomenon.  Got to run max heat to get max ROR at the right time, but then there's no headroom for a push after yellow to maintain a high enough ROR.

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2023, 05:16:05 AM »
Sometimes what may help a bit is what we do when roasting minimal chaff coffee's or Decafs.  Leave the chaff from a last batch in the chaff collector so it impedes the air flow a little bit.  That will keep the heat in there slightly longer, giving it a slightly longer latency time for it to transfer to the beans.

I used to have this problem with my Behmor often it'd dump on an overheat or some stupid thing right before the end of the roast, and now you just pooched it, because by the time it resets, things cooled down etc etc.

Ideally the air runs in, gets hot, transfers hot to beans, and runs out.  but in real life, it transfers the heat everywhere.  nearing the end of the roast, the entire unit now is steamy hot, electronics included!, the for lack of a better word, Oven Walls (aka the thermal mass of the roaster) is now at temp and it walks the temp up until you hit the limit on the High Temp Cutout.

If you can open the thing up, NOTE: this may void warranty's etc.  If it's an adjustable T stat move it up say 5 degrees.  If it's a solid state then you'd have to replace the component with a higher rated one.  You could jumper across it but again that is a HAZARD, and unless you KNOW exactly what you are doing, and what could go wrong, I would not recommend it.  If it's a metal button that presses on the side of the roasting chamber, if you can slide a piece of aluminum foil between it and the chamber that might give you a few extra degrees to work with, being careful the foil does NOT accidentally touch current carrying pieces and you short / ground something.


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Offline brianmch

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2023, 07:25:07 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions: a tinfoil buffer or a higher rated t-stat for the PAAR.

I've been told (and did once) put a small fan across the control board of the Bullet to keep its brains cool while roasting.  It maybe helped.

But honestly these electric roasters don't provide results like gas roasters.  Artisans might due to heat capability.

Offline newroaster

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Re: Several new Poplites, all overheat within a couple of months
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2023, 09:44:45 AM »
Yaaarrrggghhh!! Did you guys see my previous post about my extreme difficulty changing light bulbs now with these new fangled  LEDs?

Anyway, I just did a roast using a bit less than 1/2 cup and got away with it. The new Poplite didn’t quit. The older Poplite, of course, cranked on perfectly. Roasts are really short though, 3:45. Might try the 50 ft extn. cord again.

SM  is supposedly coming out with a new version of the Popper which addresses the overheating problem. They’re calling it a dark roast Popper. They’ve had manufacturing problems and the release date was pushed back to October. Not a real confidence builder.