Ok, so I keep reading about replacing the Gaggia steam wand with a Silvia.Before I do that explain to me why? What is the difference between the Gaggia steam wand and the Silvia?thanksNew Gaggias owner - milowebailey
I got sick of waiting for a Gaggia to turn up in our local CR market so I bought one off of ebay (from whole lotta love?) From the initial post here I thought the "baby" would have the adjustable OPV but now looking at the parts diagram for the "new baby" I see it may not....Darn it! Which OPV would I replace it with? I think it has a plastic valve.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400111035328&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSA:US:1123 I think it would have been a decent deal if it would have only needed to be PID'd....I don't do the milk thing so I don't need the silvia steam wand.....at least for now.
Thanks Again Tex! Should I remove item 60 (the plastic 11 bar valve) or just leave that there?
http://www.shop.partsguru.com/B0147-A-BK4-Gaggia-OPV-and-water-inlet-fitting-for-pump-kit-B0147-A-BK4.htmBefore I read your reply I found this......deals with the "new" baby OPVs. So I take it that these Gaggias need the pressure tuned down more often than not and leaving the 11 bar valve in is not a restriction in the line.
What's this 11 bar valve thing?And if they could why not put in a 9 bar valve? :icon_scratch: