Author Topic: Shipping and Order Updates  (Read 15602 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2023, 03:53:25 PM »

I can only ship 15 lbs per shipment to Canada.
The only viable method of shipping is US Postal Service Medium Flat Rate Box.
Ill get an updated price shortly.

SHipping UPS would be well over 100 dollars.  NOT economical.

THE Med FRB only holds 15 lbs max.

if you want 30 lbs /  20 lbs etc you will need to make two seperate orders.

i HIGHLY SUGGEST you pack the box with 15 lbs per order because you are paying the same postage for 1 pound as for 15 in it.

Thank you
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2023, 10:05:26 PM »
ATTENTION:  Number 3

pant pant...

As I add more coffee's it's going to exceed the page limit so there may be 2 pages of offerings.

When you goto the Available Coffee's  On the bottom of the page left side you may see a 'Page 2' clickie to get to the second page.

if you are not seeing something you want, click there.

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2023, 09:54:07 AM »
Orders to Canada:

It seems the post office and pay pal redid everything and it's a bugger to navigate thru.

Unfortunately as with the US prices,  the prices to Canada went up quite a bit too.

Medium Flat Rate Box is 60 dollars to Canada for the postage.

I am pretty sure I replied to everyone who asked me for a Canadian quote.  If  I missed you I apologize and please DM me again if you need a quote, but for all practical purposes.  count on 60 bucks for shipping prices alone.

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2023, 04:06:15 AM »
Folks, I am working on your orders as quickly as I am able to do here.
Let me give you some stats here.

1.  I received 92 Orders on the first day alone.  That was just the first day.
2.  I have 167 orders total here, and about a dozen more a day are coming in.
3.  Some of the coffee's I had sold out and I had to go hunt to see if there were any more bags, and then go get them.
4.  Let's not even get into the countless e mails, DM's, pay pal notifications etc, I am answering probably 30 a day.  I want to change my order, can you add this too, I changed my mind, let me swap this with that, how much is it to ship here, can you hold my order for 2 weeks.. etc etc etc.  This is all part of doing business and I honestly don't mind them at all.  It shows that people actually CARE and are trying to do things right and I truly sincerely appreciate that. 
BUT...Then lets add all those who after all the years asking to put their contact info in their orders, still haven't figured out how to do it yet,  OR they are just lazy / entitled and don't give a shit, not sure which it is.  THOSE take time to track down, hunt down who the person is, try to figure out what they wanted, where it is supposed to be sent, WHO"S PAYPAL DID THEY USE TO BUY IT!! etc.  They didn't put a forum name on their order, their e mail bounces, and they have their pay pal messages turned off.  Thanks a bunch, YOU really help make things run smoothly.

Coffee comes in 130 to 150 Lb sacks.  You have to pick them up, bring them home, pour them out to inspect for...stuff that shouldn't be in them, then bag them in 5 lb bags, label them.  Now you have to goto pay pal, process each order, make sure it's right, make sure all the above is there, print out a shipping label, then I have to enter the info into my ledger for the accountant and the IRS of course wants their share!.  Then you have to box up the bags, seal it up, label it, and then take it to the UPS terminal and HOPE it makes it to you.

Fast forward a week, NOW all the lost packages and damage reports start coming in.  Ca, Wa are the absolute Fkn worse to ship to as far as that goes.  I am about to make people who live there sign for their packages TBH.

This all takes time. I am but ONE person here.  So far I have 2464 Lbs of coffee that was ordered this last distro and counting!  (No that is not a typo,  it is over a TON) Don't forget, we have over 1800 members now.  Many don't post but they sure lurk and wait for distros :P !!  For those pedantic assholes who will want to go thru the forum and count each order, and then correct my math and grammar and DM me letting me know I am wrong, NOT everyone who orders posts here, so NO the numbers are NOT correct, I go by payment info in pay pal.

I am working this distro as best as I can, it takes time.  I hopefully will be at the end of this current batch by thurs / fri they will all be on their way.

For the 4 individuals who reported lost / damaged packages, I will address you later today once I hear back from UPS, for the losses, hopefully they show up, but if not, I will make it right by you.  For the damage, as soon as you send me the photo's I can submit the claim and get a replacement straight out to you.

Rant ended.....

I worked thru the night bagging and boxing and have over 500 lbs of coffee which will be going out this morning / this afternoon.

Tomorrow I hope to have another 400 or so and then clean up the rest the following day.  It's not backbreaking work but it's busy work / time consuming work.  Please cut me some slack here.

Thank you

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2023, 04:13:05 AM »
Just to give you an idea, a lot of it is already gone but  this is my living room currently.
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2023, 06:01:04 AM »
Here's 430 Going out today.  I have about 120 inside the truck on the passenger seat, this all is going in the back and on it's way to the UPS / USPS.
The post office boxes are going to Canada / Hawaii / Overseas.

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2023, 02:15:36 PM »
Everything to about the 28th is on the way out.

To put that into perspective.  on the 22nd, i ended up with 103 total orders in that one day that slowed me down a LOT.
AFTER that the average was only like maybe 20 a day for the next few days, the a dozen a day for the next few and now we are down to maybe 6 or 7 orders a day so it's getting much more manageable.  GETTING to the current point though is the chore!!

I had to leave town for an emergency this weekend and just now got back in.

I plan on working again thru the night to get as many packages as I can get ready to go, to get them out of here finally.

One issue I have is that I AGAIN ran out of the Kembata !!  You ordered 6 bags already and they are gone.


I have ordered another 2 bags last friday, they will be ready for pickup this monday.  I will be there about 8 am the moment the warehouse opens to grab them so I can get them home, inspected, dumped and ready to start bagging and shipping by noon the same day.

If you have Kembata in your order it will be processed Mon Evening / Tuesday morning and out by tues evening / wed morning.

I apologize for the delay, I did not expect the Kembata to be so popular, and thought they'd sell a bit more evenly...  they didn't !!

Thank you
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2023, 05:30:44 AM »

Those people who have issues I have reached out to you via pay pal if it allowed me to, or via forum if you provided a forum name.

I will send a mass e mail out again later today with the final status letting everyone know the coffee IS SHIPPED !!

Also touching base with those who I still have issues with to see if we can get this cleared up finally.

Thank you everyone for your patience.  I know it's been a bit of a wait and I know some of you are a bit pissed but I ended up with just a touch over 3000 lbs of coffee I had to ship out when it was all said and done with.  Some of them I had to flash order more bags when I could to keep up with the demand!

I want to thank everyone for continue to support our group here and PLEASE.  Feel free to leave comments on how you like (or didn't like, please be honest, negative feedback is how we fix things if it's genuine)

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2023, 04:34:50 AM »

I  will be afk for about a week here, and the person watching my house does not have access to my account so my replies to DM, E-mail etc may be delayed.  I do not know how well the internet will work when I get where I am going so we'll see.  Either way, I won't have access to the pay pal OR coffee to send out! so you can order but it will NOT go out until probably next Friday or Monday at the earliest.

If you have a coffee general question, try asking in the forum, you'd be amazed at the incredible talent we got out there that can HELP YOU !!

I'll see everyone in a week.  Off to a motorcycle training course to learn how to race, track etiquette, and general safety overall, so lets hope I don't highside too many times !  :D


As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2023, 06:03:34 AM »
Hello everyone:

I just got back in town  yesteday morning.  Been having family / personal issues that require me to do a lot of travelling :(
What I thought was going to be taken care of in a few days took over a week, if Id have known this earlier I would have let people know that thigns are going to be delayed.

i AM BEHIND on orders.  I am going to get them ALL out on their way by 5 pm TODAY!

For those who DM'd me, E-mailed me, etc please give me a day or so to sift thru everything and reply to all of you.

Thank you
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Christmas Issues
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2023, 07:36:41 AM »
ALL orders are on their way out.

Some of you who ordered 5 lb packages, they might be delayed getting to you.
UPS had some sort of 'super saver' thing, and it turns out it sucks ass.

Ideally, the way it was supposed to work is,  I give the package to the mailman, he turns it over to UPS, they drive it to where you live, then give it to YOUR mailman, who then drops it at your door step.

Easy right?....  yah my latest reply from them, was due to christmas volume packages are taking 10 to 14 days to get where they belong.

NOT happy.

Everything IS out though.  IF you do not see a package by new years, Ill send you a new one, just let me know.

Speaking of New Years.  I have some news I will be sharing.

I may be getting some help, which will let me get the coffee out MUCH FASTER, and in MUCH GREATER VOLUME.
I might potentially even be able to start dabbling into the roasting on more of a full time basis.  But that is still in the works so we'll have to hash things out and pray it works.

Postage... prices are going to go up, BUT.... I think I will be able to keep most of the rates the same, or within 50 cents.  The only one that is going to be majorly affected are 5lb packages.  Those I might have to do away with and just merge into shipping for 1 to 10 Lbs, one package.  It has proven to be too much of an issue with UPS, although I am still holding out hope the post office still offers decent rates for that weight range.

There will be a BIG announcement New Years day along with a BIG NEW distribution!


Happy BOO Year !!!!!

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2024, 10:21:17 AM »

1 PM EST...March 29  2024  ARE processed.

There were a few that were backlogged they are on their way.

Bradley, for your order.  there is no other way to put it besides, I fucked that one up.  I own it, I'll take care of it.
You have a full refund coming your way AND I am sending you the coffee anyways, a tracking number was sent to you in paypal and should be in DM's as well.  I apologize for that.

Some other individuals, ( I don't want to name names because some people get real touchy about that so trying to respect privacy when I can) were asking about the Ethiopian,  I have plenty  order away!  not sure why the PP did not get to you

Any other questions or concerns please post them here or in DM's 
The server is BACK restarted on the e mail thing and it should be all caught up.   they did an update to the php version or some stupid BS and it halted my mail router, and things backed up.  I did not check it recently so did not catch that :(

We should be all good to go now.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline brianmch

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #27 on: April 11, 2024, 06:14:06 AM »
Thank you for keeping the site up Aaron. I imagine its a lot of work.

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Shipping and Order Updates
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2024, 10:31:29 AM »
Michael Yost
can I please get a good address to ship to you.
pay pal is not letting me message you again for some reason.

thank you
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!