PM sent to Shep, the winner, ready to move on! Someone somewhere along the line seems to have included a baratza burr cleaning brush... to whom does it belong? What's it for with this product?
I don't really like cold brewed coffee; all forms I've tried, have this sourness to them that I find unpleasant, that, and the caffeine jolt is usually too strong for my system; it's mitigated with lots of sugar or some form of real/fake dairy. I only drink it if I'm stranded in a hotel which doesn't have a way to make hot water, in order to avoid the caffeine headache.
That said - really nice glass, a quality constructed product, which creates a clean brew. Size expectations: originally thought it was going to be wider and squat, but it's smaller, taller, and skinnier. The idea of the overall design is great, however, doesn't seem to be compatible with a klutz like me.
I do not like the bottom gasket thingy, when removing/installing, always felt like I was going to break the glass. The top portion was also a little awkward to hold, to set it down after removing it, and then keep it somewhere until the next brew -- initially I used the lid and turned the top upside down, but then.. I couldn't cover and put away the karaffe. Almost as if it needs just one more piece, or I guess you just store the whole thing assembled in the fridge *shrug*.
When doing the hot pre-infusion method, the resulting condensation made it difficult to see and measure the drops; I missed yakster's note, about setting the drip rate before starting the brew process. Duh. Hot pre-infusion left me with over-extracted bitterness in the cup, despite having ground coarsely. Second brew was done at same grind and drip without preinfuse, and had no bitterness.
And cleaning, well, ended up with wet coffee grounds all over. This item isn't for me.
Thanks for letting me play