Author Topic: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 35 Left 9 16 24  (Read 3880 times)

Offline Ascholten

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**** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 35 Left 9 16 24
« on: February 01, 2024, 05:42:33 AM »
Hello everyone and Welcome to the Green Coffee Buying Club !
If you are reading this message thru a phone app or e-mail. PLEASE goto the webpage to actually order your coffee.

You can access this offering at our Webpage by clicking on the following link:

-- Offering URL:,22486.0.html

If you are already on the website  WELCOME!

Welcome to 2024 !!

Over the next few weeks I am going to clean up the offering layout a bit to try to simplify things so stand by for a new presentation shortly.

We are not just an Amazon Lite, where you just show up and order coffee silently in the dark.  Although you are perfectly fine doing just that, I do want to remind people we are a full fledged forum with around 15 years of real time experience under our belts.  I highly encourage people to get involved, say hello, ask questions.  Lets keep this a COMMUNITY, not just a Coffee-Borg Pit Stop.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you are new here, please take a minute to read the following. I really hate the wordiness but HAVE to do this to protect us from those who would try to cause trouble.

That you have any questions,  How To?, Where Do?,  Which Way?, Where At? and so on.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

New Coffees are going to be displayed on their own individual threads.  The thread will contain notes about the coffee, a link to the Cupping Notes for that coffee and any other information concerning the coffee that might interest you or be needed.  The coffee thread will ALSO contain the commitments from OTHER members and other comments and questions they may have as well.

Along with the Coffee Listed there will be a Price Listed:

Please pay attention as different distributors will sell their coffee's in different modes.  Some only sell in 5 lb or 10 Lb lots, while others such as myself may allow you to order as little as a pound at a time.

Also remember that different distributors are DIFFERENT PEOPLE, so you can NOT mix one order up between two distributors, you will have to do 2 orders since each shipment will be from different origins.

When you see a coffee you like, back up in the thread and COUNT from the last Pounds left verification, THRU how many other people who have ordered ahead of you, up to YOUR POINT to see if there is any of the coffee left.  If there is coffee left and you want some, POST IT.  As an Example:  I want 5 lbs, thank you.  I'll take 10,  I'll take 20 if it's still there etc.

If all you want is just that one coffee, then click the one click link to be taken directly to Paypal and follow the directions for when you get there. 

If you want multiple coffees in your order then proceed as follows.

Do the amount verification / post for each coffee you want to get, and when you are done shopping:

Add up ALL of your coffee prices, and the number of pounds of coffee you ordered.

Next, look at the shipping table and pick which shipping method applies to you.  Shipping goes by weight.

Look up where YOUR ORDER falls on the chart and

Add these two prices together and.

Next step is you goto Pay Pal.

Once you have logged into your pay pal


Unless specifically told otherwise on THAT ORDER, I will ship to the address you have on file with pay pal.

If there is a problem with an order I will typically reach out via Pay Pal's Messaging App if it is available, if not there, I'll use either a DM in the Forum or an E - mail sent to the name you provided to Pay Pal.

If you pay using Friends and Family, or using the Pay Pal APP to pay for your order, pay pal often does NOT include your shipping information with the payment, so PLEASE make sure YOU included it!

When you are selecting how / from where you are paying for your coffee, there  will be a little box on that screen where you can put notes, instructions, etc.  Include your address in there.  If you can not find this box or it is not interacting properly on your phone you can always  send me an e mail as well with this information, or send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE IN THE FORUM with your shipping info.

ALSO MAKE SURE that you include your FORUM NAME on your order as well.
This way if there is an issue, I can try to reach out to via a DM.
We currently have close to 1800 members in our family, so I do not always remember that Jonathan Rodwell the person - uses the Forum name Bean Buddy etc.

I do NOT keep personal records of people's contact info, so you MUST VERIFY that this is accurate with EVERY ORDER.  I have a number of you who seem to move every few months.  If your beans end up at an old address because you did not verify it properly, then all bets are off whether you will see your coffee, and this will be YOUR responsibility to fix the mess.

If there are issues with your order I will make a good faith effort to contact you concerning this and try to FIX the issue, before just issuing a refund.
Paypal does NOT REFUND FEES Anymore !!
If you get a refund due to an issue with an order that was not my error, you may lose up to $5-10 DOLLARS from the price you sent.


I will be using UPS as much as possible, ONLY using the Post Office when absolutely necessary.

If there is some reason you HAVE to have the mail man for your order.  YOU MUST, state this BEFORE you order and a price agreed on BEFORE you place your order.  The post office's prices to ship to you WILL BE HIGHER.

Prices listed for shipping are only good in CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES ONLY up to 15 Lbs.

If you live in Alaska, Hawaii, one of the US Territories and want more than 15 Lbs per order, then you must ASK FOR A PRICE FIRST.
I will ship coffee to Canada and Out of the USA, however shipping is VERY EXPENSIVE.  Ask and agree to a price BEFORE making any payments for coffee.

Once a coffee is paid for, posted for and everything looks good, I will process your order as quickly as I can.  Typically I try to get orders out within a few days max HOWEVER, at times there may be delays.   If you have ANY questions about a shipment please feel free to ASK.  I prefer DM's for this.


Although I can not stop you, I kindly ask, that any personal information, you ONLY send me in DM's, and please do NOT post this stuff in the public forum.  It is for your own safety that I am asking this.

Problems With Orders

Occasionally there will be a problem where an order gets lost, damaged, sent wrong etc, and we have to deal with that.
Please CONTACT ME HERE FIRST! to attempt to fix any issues.
If the first thing you do is run to pay pal and try to reverse the money, do NOT expect to be here much longer.

If there is  ANY  issue with your order that you are going to claim on, think you may claim on, going to want 'fixed' etc.
YOU HAVE 14 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF YOUR ORDER TO FILE THE CLAIM !!  Receipt = Delivery Agent saying package was delivered.
(Obviously for lost packages you did not receive and this is a different situation, but for claims on packages received)
After 14 Days, you are on your own if you don't let me know there is a problem with your delivered package.  I have had people order coffee, throw the box in a closet when it arrived and literally 10 months later, open it, say- oh there's a problem, I want my money back!  NOT happening anymore !!

If it is a Damage  claim, YOU will have to work with the Carrier as well.  They WILL need  to see pictures of the Damage, so please have numerous pictures from a few angles to show them exactly what happened.

If you are going to submit a Damage Claim, you MUST take pictures of the Damage BEFORE YOU OPEN THE PACKAGE.  If you are claiming damage and you tore the package up already, then go to take pictures, they will probably DENY the claim.  Take Pictures BEFORE opening the package, and Take pictures of the Contents AFTER you opened it to show the Loss / Damage you are claiming.

If the claim is for a LOSS, ie, the package never made it there, then most of the times I can take care of Most of that on my end however you Might be asked for additional information from the carrier to honor the claim.

YOU AGREE to Co-Operate with any claim process' in order to honor any claims you make on a package, or your claim may be denied.
If you do NOT agree to co operate in getting a claim settled, then do NOT order coffee from me.

No matter what the problem you may have with an order is, I ask that you PLEASE contact me FIRST.  Often times I can simplify process' and help us get it settled a lot faster than if you go it alone.  (Been down this road many times sadly, so am fairly familiar with how all this works)

   *** MISC ***

If you have a complex order, are ordering multiple coffee's, a lot of coffee, etc, or simply want to verify a price  ASK  and I will gladly help you figure out the final price for your order.

If your order needs special attention.  For Example:  I prefer you ship UPS only.  I need it shipped 2 weeks from now,  The address is different than my pay pal address etc.
Then you must VERIFY with me FIRST.  It needs to be AGREED upon FIRST, the price, and instructions.

Always ask if you are unsure of something.

Fraud -  Please, just don't.  I will prosecute and I really hate seeing someone sent to prison on interstate wire fraud charges for a bag of coffee.  Ruining your life is NOT worth a bag of beans son, please, think for a moment before you use a stolen credit card or something else foolish.

* <-- this is your butthole before prison
O <-- this is your butthole after prison.



* * * * * * * * * * * * *

By ordering coffee you ACCEPT the terms stated above and AGREE to abide by them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now that we got the wordy stuffzzz out of the way.

Onto the Ordering:

For those who are just getting one coffee,  I still have the one click ship links for you to click and pay for a fast turn around. Please, remember to still post in the thread that you ordered coffee.  Thank you

*** Availability Issues ***

Sometimes the numbers don't always match what is shown for various reasons.  If a coffee is getting close to being sold out, for example, there are only like 15 lbs left, ASK BEFORE PAYING FOR IT !

A.  Post a note in the forum, I'd like 10 Lbs of this if it is still available.  This becomes YOUR place holder.  If the coffee IS available, I tell you so, and you pay for it and it's yours.  If it is NOT available, we will see what can be done, for example, can I order another bag?  is there an order that was cancelled so the beans are coming back into inventory? etc.

As mentioned before PayPal does NOT refund their fees anymore, and I really hate to see you pay for a coffee and it's sold out, and now you lose a few dollars in the refund process, or you take a different coffee instead that you may not have really wanted etc.

This also lets OTHERS know it's spoken for so they don't jump on it as well, further aggravating the situation.

Remember, popular coffees, can sell out VERY FAST.  Posting becomes very important then.   When it comes to crunch time, Courteous posters get served first. ALWAYS  If You don't bother to post, you go to the back of the line and probably will end up NOT getting that coffee.

If you do post asking about the availability of a coffee, and are told that it IS available and you can now pay for it:
You have 3 Days from Receipt of my reply  to pay for your coffee.

If after 3 days you have not paid, the coffee is then released to everyone else, and the next person in line who said, I'll take XX if it's not gone gets their shot at it.

** Onto The Goodies !! ***

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

What we have:

 Burundi Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E)

Quick Notes:

This is a really nice Burundi with Black Tea, Peach, Lime, and Florals !  A really nice balanced cup here.

Full Cupping Notes are here:

* * * *  O R D E R I N G  * * * *
The Pay Pal e-mail to send the money to is: if you want to do it manually.  Otherwise click the links below to be taken directly to pay pal with the numbers filled in for you.

* * * * *


   For Mix and Match or Non Standard Sized Orders:
    Coffee $5.74 Lb by the pound  OR   $26.45 for a 5 Lb Bag.

Once you have added all your pounds together, to get your Final Coffee Price you will need to pick one of the Shipping and Handling options listed Below.

    For orders of   1 -   5 Lbs, add  $13.50  S/H to coffee price for final price.
    For orders of   6 - 10 Lbs, add  $20.00  S/H to coffee price for final price.
    For orders of 11 - 15 Lbs, add  $22.00  S/H to coffee price for final price.
    For orders of 16 - 20 Lbs, add  $26.00  S/H to coffee price for final price...Not available outside Continental US
    For orders of 21 - 25 Lbs  add  $30.00  S/H to coffee price for final price...Not available outside Continental US
    For orders of 26 - 30 Lbs  add  $34.00  S/H to coffee price for final price...Not available outside Continental US

Add the two together and that is what your final bill is for your coffee you are ordering!

^ ^ ^ ^  The above is for custom Mix / Match Ordering  ^ ^ ^ ^

    If you are not looking to mix and match, and just want a quick and easy order of this one coffee then -

Click the links below for our Traditional one click Paypal payments!

Note:  I will accept some Crypto Currencies for payment for your coffee, if you wish to pay in crypto contact me FIRST for further details.

      5 Lb =  $  40.00   I want  5 Pounds

    10 Lb =  $  72.85   I want 10 Pounds

    15 Lb =  $101.20   I want 15 Pounds

    20 Lb =  $131.20   I want 20 Pounds

    25 Lb =  $161.20   I want 25 Pounds

    30 Lb =  $193.20   I want 30 Pounds

If you are interested in adding  Bags  to your order, information can be found  HERE

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

You are always welcome to mix and match my coffee's when ordering them, and this new template hopefully makes it easier for you to calculate payments needed.

As ALWAYS, if you have any questions or the math is fuzzy, PLEASE do not hesitate for a second to ask me for a quote.

I strive to ship the coffee out within a few days or receiving the order (many times the next day) but many circumstances can prevent that.  Holidays, Work Schedule, Huge Orders, Coffee Sold out, Hurricanes, waiting for next bag to fill your order etc.  If you are in a rush for some reason, state that BEFORE you send money, because if you pay me Wednesday and then say it HAS to be on your porch on Friday, I can't guarantee that.

As always if you have any questions comments or concerns, suggestions, please feel free to Post them or send me Private Message at any time.

Thank you for your awesome support.  If it wasn't for our members, we would not be here today.


35 left
« Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 02:45:10 PM by Ascholten »
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline d2d4

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 100 Left
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2024, 07:05:56 PM »
Cross posting:
5# Bali Blue Moon
5# Ethiopian Durato Bombe
5# DR Congo - Kivu
5# Sumatra Mandheling
5# Rwanda
5# Burundi

PM sent for total pricing.
Thank you!

Offline veronaj

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 100 Left
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2024, 09:05:30 PM »
Aaron, I would like::
5# Bali Blue Moon
5# Ethiopian Durato Bombe
5# DR Congo - Kivu
5# Sumatra Mandheling
5# Rwanda
5# Burundi
Cross posting & PayPal sent

Offline Lydia

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 100 Left
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2024, 10:33:06 AM »
Hi, trying to delete this post. I bought Mexican Chiapas instead. Thanks!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2024, 10:50:53 AM by geegee »

Offline askat1988

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 100 Left
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2024, 04:11:15 PM »
Paid for 20#
Espresso: Lelit Bianca
Grinder: KafaTek Monolith Conical

Offline wbradford

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 100 Left
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2024, 01:53:01 PM »
wbradford; 5# Burundi please. PayPal sent

Offline homeroaster-la

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 100 Left
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2024, 07:01:41 PM »
Hi, Aaron

I'd like to have a cross-posting order:

5# DR Congo
5# Brundi
5# Bali Moon

PayPal sent

Thank you

Offline Ascholten

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 70 Left 7 6 24
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2024, 05:40:47 AM »
All orders out and numbers caught up

70 Lb left

thank you
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline d2d4

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 70 Left 7 6 24
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2024, 12:17:20 PM »
Cross posting:
(2#) DR Congo
(5#) Columbia Excelso
(5#)Guat Santo Tomas
(5#) Peru Las Damas
(2#) Rwanda Cyesha
(2#) Burundi Twaranyzwe
(2#) Bali Blue Moon
(2#) Tanzania Peaberry
(5#) Uganda Bugisu

Offline Ascholten

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 65 Left 7 12 24
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2024, 01:26:57 PM »

Lets call it 65 Left

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 60 Left 8 8 24
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2024, 06:09:39 AM »
All orders are on their way

60 Lb left

thank you
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline apagios

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 60 Left 8 8 24
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2024, 09:06:14 AM »
15# for me, PayPal sent, Thanks so much!!
Blue Skies,

Offline JeffyT

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 60 Left 8 8 24
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2024, 07:44:56 AM »
Sent PayPal for 15 lbs. Thanks!!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 35 Left 9 16 24
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2024, 02:45:36 PM »
Out the door

35 lb of this one left

thank you
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline gshopper

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Re: **** Burundi - Twaranyuzwe Washing Station (E) 35 Left 9 16 24
« Reply #14 on: Yesterday at 06:03:21 PM »
I'd love 15 pounds.  Paypal sent.

Glenn Shopper