Author Topic: Yah, it got me  (Read 2000 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Yah, it got me
« on: August 20, 2023, 11:19:20 PM »
Im finally back home now.
Into the ER once, 2IV's of fluids then 2 days later back in for an overnighter because my blood pressure crashed.

Ive been sick with this miserable flu bug that's been going around.  Everything was going ok UNTIL I got behind on my hydration.  Then shit hit the fan.

The actual flu, not a big deal really, not like these cock maggots are trying to make it out on the news trying to cage people in again and put stupid ass masks on which don't do a fkn thing for you.  Real bad sore throat for about a week, even swallowing water was horrible.  I spent pretty much the entire time in bed.  Yes, folks, for lack of a better, I lost a week of my life..... in bed.  The 'ravaging' part was done in a few days because i was self medicating, and it knocked it out real  fast, just what you are always left with afterwards, the healing, getting the throat better, coughing up all the crap in your lungs etc etc.getting your strength back.

I had a low grade fever going on and was just constantly sweating.  I was drinking plenty of water (so I thought) but was sweating it right back out really, and in hindsight, given my throat was so sore probably wasn't drinking as much as I needed to.

Lisinopril, Losing a lot of weight fast, and dehydration is a recipe for disaster.  It supercharged my BP meds and my pressure was going way too low and I was passing out.  I was actually feeling better and was mowing the lawn, (just because you are sick the worlds demands don't go away)  The lovely hot ass florida sun and 98 degree lovely spring day weather beating down on me, was enough to do it.  I passed out on the lawn mower and face planted into the yard.  I am not sure how long I was there but when I came to  my neighbors were there telling me the ambulance is on the way.  I tried to stand up but even moving from laying down to trying to sit up, was enough to make me go down again.  I wanted to just go back inside and lay back down but the paramedics after reading my blood pressure of 58 / 39 said NO,you need IV fluids now and probably should have them redo your meds since they are no longer working right.

Here we are monday it's 2 am in the morning, I lost a week of my life, and amat least that behind on this shit.
The only thing I can do is go back to the last order processed and start moving forward from there to catch up and then answer the endless e mails and dm's.

If any of you got some really weird ass replies from me the last few days,ignore them, I literally probably was not in my right mind.
My plans are to have everything ready to go out by  the 5 pm run today to the UPS store.

Does someone have some kids they want to rent out for a few weeks,  I'll feed them well and I won't whip their assess too hard,you MIGHT end up going home with a chicken as a pet too though.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Yah, it got me
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2023, 11:58:17 PM »
Let me add one final take away.

Folks if you get this flu, it is NOT THAT BAD.  it is NO DIFFERENT than any other flu you have been getting your entire life up to this point, no matter what lies and spin they want to put on it, it's just a standard FLU!

They will call it covid because they want their government money, but the flu is the flu is the flu.

Whatever you do, the most important thing is to


EVEN if your throat is sore, and you feel like crap, and you want to sleep, take a tall glass of water at least every hour.  Even if you don't feel like you are thirsty, drink it anyways.  YOU DO NEED IT, and it will help you flush the rest of the crud out as well.

If you are on blood pressure meds and DO get dehydrated, your pressure can tank real fast, it's just the nature of those beasts.  You might want to consider cutting your dose in half until you get the water thing stabilized, and keep a close eye on your BP at all times.

Good luck, enjoy the few days rest, and it'll be over soon.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline brianmch

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Re: Yah, it got me
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2023, 08:27:42 AM »
Glad you're on the mend Aaron. Sounds like it was pretty scary for a bit.