Coffee Discussion boards > GCBC Hardware reviews by Admins

Offero Cups

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I received 3 sets of cups from Offero for review. The review will be up in the next few days.

Buy Joe's favorite one's here:

The cups I received are large, small-med, and espresso sized.

Initial impressions:
1. Great quality ceramics, thick..
2. Shape is unique and catches the eye.
3. Handles are comfortable and have a flat thumb rest.
4. Coffee mug style is about perfect size shape.

1. Shape is unique but then they don't lay flat upside down and pour overs would require a separate vessel or stand.
2. The sizes are a bit different and they are more tall than wide. Espresso sizes seem to suffer.

They look nice but I think are more for show than useability to brew into.

MY perfect cup would be very fat on bottom with a narrow neck to drink out of.... think stability on a boat.  Fat bottom narrow neck doesn't end up scorching the gems when you go over a wake...


Aaron these almost have that going for them. They definitely taper towards the top. I'll try to take some better photos that show this effect but they aren't like those 80's coffee mugs that had the upside down Y shape.

I have had a Offero larger coffee mug than the small/med ones I received for review and I definitely think there is something good about the lip on the larger coffee style mugs. On the espresso/Cappucino/ latte style I feel like it doesn't work well.

I am in love with the matte black bowling ball finish. I have three of these mugs in that finish and it's by far my favorite. If I was to get GCBC mugs made by Offero I would probably look to get the Matte Black ones with the GCBC logo in Green Outline and I would prefer the normal coffee mug size. I will be sending the super bladder buster 20oz size to John for follow up review.

IF you do that, make it like a neon green otherwise, dark green on black won't stand out really well unless it has white edging.



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