Green Coffee Buying Club - GCBC > Available Green Coffee Offerings

Bubba's Basement

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Heyo Ya'all.  Bubba here,  gittin ready to clean the basement out again!

I got a lot of coffee's piled up over the past year I really want to get moving here so plan on popping them up here pretty fast and often.

Remember now:   Some of these coffee's may not be the freshest,  they been sitting in the basement, however just because a coffee sat around a lil bit does NOT mean it's Bad!!!   It may not have exactly the same subtle nuances and voc's it may have when brand spankin new but still taste wonderful.

How many of us has dug up an one bag o sumtin brewed it and went.  oh man, that STILL taste awesome!!!!
Come on now, raise yer hands you knows I talkin bout YOO !!

Keep yer eyes open for specials in the Basement.
They are a first come first served, will NOT be advertised, and generally will NOT be repeated!
+ + + + + + + + +

Offering 1:

I have here a box, taped up and ready to go of the Peru - Las Damas I was schlepping earlier this year.  The customer never followed through on the order, and i was too lazy to rip the box open to recover the beans, and didn't want to waste the box either, so here it sat, waiting for someone to order another 20 lb, which din't happen.

Here is the original cupping notes for this coffee:

I'll let this one slide for $105.00 US dollars,  out the door, TO your door, taxes, titles, fees, and flatulences all included !!


* * * * * *

Offer Nummer 2:

Exact same thing, only 15 Lbs this time.

I'll let this slightly smaller box slide for a smaller price,  same deal otherwise.

I'll let this one slide for $80.00 US dollars,  out the door, TO your door, taxes, titles, fees, and fun all included !!



How this works.

1.  Make sure the coffee you want is still available,  (Hint: that means read the posts above yours to make sure someone else didn't claim it already you TLDR zoomie!)

2.  Goto Pay pal and PAY for it. (click the link provided is easiest way).  Make sure you got a good address on it to ship to.

3.  Post here,  I'll grab Offer #  ????

and that's it.  It'll ship when money is in poo pal.

Note:  These offerings are one of a kind, one time only, individual entities.  So, NO I will not combine it with other orders, this or that etc.  This is designed for quick and simple, not tobe making even more work for myself.   Bubba is lazy yanno!!  :D

Hey Bubba/Aaron, looks like it's been a while since this post was updated, so just wanted to check if offer #2 is still available? The 15lb peru...?

Never mind, I see there's ethiopia left, gotta jump on that before it runs out!

YES both of those offerings ARE still available.

I will be updating this hopefully in a few weeks.

I got a lot of beans that have been piling up and I really need to go thru and get them out of here.  I don't need, I don't WANT a 400 lb stash of bits and pieces.  You'd have thunk I'd have learned that lesson a decade ago, but Nooooooo.   Oh I just will keep a few pounds of this one for myself, what will that hurt???  heh


I was looking at this just yesterday and thinking it must be dead...  I'll take offering #1 of Peru - Las Damas.

Heading to check out now!

Thanks Much as always.


PayPal sent for $105 to cafe henry


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