Author Topic: Overloading the Artisian 6M  (Read 2571 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Overloading the Artisian 6M
« on: May 06, 2016, 11:46:25 AM »
Hello Everyone:

As some of you may be aware, I recently purchased one of the Artisian 6M roasters from coffeecrafters.  I just have to say I love it!

I am able to roast down to 8 ounces of coffee reliably (THIS is significant because 8 oz is the size of a sample the coffee houses give you).  The machine is advertised to be able to do 5 pounds of coffee, but as we have seen in the past, what is advertised and what it really can do,  don't always, and sometimes rarely match up. 

I was told that the machine can actually handle more than 5 lbs but they just 'left it at 5 lbs' to ensure it will work at it's optimum.  Coffee expands when you roast it, so you have to leave room for that so it does not blow out of the roasting chamber etc etc.

I decided to load it up and see what it can do.  Screw 5 Lbs, lets pack this puppy and see if we can start a fire!  (ok folks NOT recommended, this is a brute force test on the thing)

I got a bag of really nasty coffee I use to play around with because that way I am not killing 40 dollars worth of coffee being stupid.

I decided to go with 8 Pounds of coffee to see what it would do.

As you can see, this is the coffee in a colander, which I will use the colander later to assist in cooling.  Inside the roaster you can see that it comes about half way up the chamber.  So YES there appears to be enough room at least to roast more than 5 lbs at a time.

Finally here is a picture of the beans lofting.  The loft motor has plenty of power,  the thing is turned only about a quarter the way up.  I can send these beans to my neighbors rooftop if I wanted to!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 11:48:29 AM by Ascholten »
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Re: Overloading the Artisian 6M
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 12:01:38 PM »
I turned the power on full bore, I wanted to put it through it's paces so yep, it got the whole 10 Kilowatts!  I started the time and let it go.
The temperature raised in a nice smooth gradient and the beans went through their usual cycles without a hitch.
I finally started hitting first crack in earnest around 9 minutes or so and it finished in about 11.5 to 12 minutes.

One thing to keep in mind with bigger batches,  on a small batch the heat is ... here and gone... woof that quick because the bean mass is only an inch or so thick.  On a big batch you got 7 inches of beans or so you are pushing the air mass through.  It has longer contact time with the beans so can transfer more of the heat to them, you are actually roasting a bit more efficiently this way.

As you can see the chaff is really starting to fly here!   THIS is why you roast outside or with a collector etc, not to mention the smoke.

Ok, roast is done, I hear first crack is done and temp is starting to climb pretty quick so I pulled it.     I should probably build an external cooler but what I do in the meantime that has worked pleasantly well is, ill put the colander over the top of the roaster and crank up the loft air to throw the beans around.  It will cool them down in about a minute and a half to two minutes.  You may be able to get the surface temperature down in 30 seconds with a huge fan and all but you have a lot of internal heat in then that needs to work it's way to the outside to be cooled down too.  That takes a little time.

As you can see, they DID expand significantly,  now the roast chamber is about 3/4 full!.    The chamber comes with a wire like cage that sort of fits on top of it, so the beans bounce off it and back into the roast chamber if they loft too much.  I am thinking if you were to build a taller basket around them you could roast more.  THIS is the limiting factor here is room, if there is no room to loft you'd end up throwing your beans all over the place.

If you were good with metalworking you probably could build a taller roasting chamber too and that would hold more beans.  I truly feel this thing would be able to do close to 10 pounds if you had the physical room in it to do so.  I am not trying to say anything bad about the machine just saying it has TONS of spare power to handle pretty much anything you can fit into it, and if you like to tinker, even more!

Finally the finished product.  The original colander is full, I filled a half gallon bucket behind it, not to mention the probably 1/4 to 1/2 Lb I spilled on the floor when I banged my arm moving the cooler outside.

In closing, this machine can handle pretty much what you throw into it to roast, this is NOT one of those tall tales that claim to do a pound but you are lucky to get 3/4 Lb thru it properly.  This machine is actually the other way around, it has more than enough power to finish a roast instead of barely enough power to roast.

An 8 Pound roaster for $3000.  You can't beat that with a stick.  Oh and it also does popcorn REALLY well and cocoa beans too.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 12:15:44 PM by Ascholten »
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

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Re: Overloading the Artisian 6M
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 12:02:52 PM »
Finished coffee less spillage.
If you decide to buy one of these, tell em Aaron Sent you :D

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Re: Overloading the Artisian 6M
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 12:29:56 PM »
You're taking too long to cool it down, Aaron!    ;D   ;)   ;D   ;)

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Offline Joe

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Re: Overloading the Artisian 6M
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2016, 12:40:20 PM »
nice, I like that thing.

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Overloading the Artisian 6M
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 01:00:09 PM »
That's what I was trying to figure out Peter in my other thread,  IS it really too long?  Judging by the taste of the coffee I am getting I have to say I don't think so.  I was thinking I could get a DC 10 jet engine and blow it across them for cooling but to be honest, I think that is about what they have for a loft fan in this thing, it will move some air.  Eventually I will get around to making a quick movie of it roasting and you tubing it.  One thing I really DO like is the shape of the roast chamber is like a horn, it really amps up the sound of cracks so you can really hear them going off.  When operating, It's not overly loud either.  People hear fluid bed and want to think of the old I roast, or sometimes known as the I Roar, this roaster is actually fairly quiet.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!