Author Topic: Direction  (Read 606 times)


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« on: March 23, 2010, 01:07:35 PM »
Brother Roasters,

I am currently roasting with home built drum roaster you see in the picture.  However, I have a new bbq drum ready to be put into action but I need to figure out two critical things. 

1)Cooling 8-10 pounds of beans. 

2)How does one keep track of temperature on a bbq drum (e.g. inside the drum)

Kindly indulge me and point me to threads dealing with these issues.

Thank you,


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Offline Warrior372

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Re: Direction
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 01:40:30 PM »
You can buy a thermocoupler and insert it into the center of one side of the roaster. You can hook the thermocoupler up to your computer and monitor temp. There are people in the forum who have done this, I am not one of them, but there are a few people who could direct you on how to do this.

As far as cooling the beans I have seen some cool contraptions. Perhaps the coolest / most functional utilized a rather large double boiler pot setup with a lid. The top pot had the bottom cut off and metal mesh was secured on in it's place. The bottom pot had a hole cut in the bottom of one side and the person had inserted the nozzle of a standard electric hardware store leaf blower. It takes 10lbs of beans down to room temperature very quickly! It would be pretty inexpensive to built too!