Author Topic: Texas Coffee Grinders  (Read 5630 times)


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Re: Texas Coffee Grinders
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2009, 01:29:46 PM »
I will do just that.    Jim


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Re: Texas Coffee Grinders
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2009, 01:30:46 PM »
I found an old hopper and took a couple pix.

Go to:



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Re: Texas Coffee Grinders
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2009, 05:42:37 PM »

Tom got the grinder out to me and it came in the mail today. I bought the oak version and it is very attractive and heavy duty. I ground one batch before realizing how to adjust the grind. I will play with the grinder and adjustments over the next few days and place feedback on this thread.

It did hold one pot full of beans without a problem in the hopper. It may hold enough for two pots in the hopper but I will only be doing one at a time thus hopper size for unground beans is not an issue for me. The finished bin for the grounds will hold a bit more. Once again I'll be doing a vac pot at a time or a drip pot at a time. No reason for a larger capacity for me.

I'll be anxious to see how the grind adjustment refines the grind for the vac pot? I'll let you all know in a few days after testing. It is attractive on the counter in the cabin and it is well built.



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Re: Texas Coffee Grinders
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2009, 09:59:24 AM »

Grinder review

I have now had the grinder for one day. I have ground 5 batches through the grinder with several adjustments to the grind setting. Here are my results;

The grinder came in good shape with no problems in a US Mail box with plenty of peanuts with the handle separate from the grinder. The handle goes on easy and has two set nuts that adjust the grind while screwing on the handle. The tighter down on the shaft the first nut screws the finer the grind. Very simple after checking Tom's web site for directions...... I should have done that in the first place!

The first grind was too course and uneven. The second grind a bit better after adjustung the fineness of the grind. This morning I did three vac pots. I continued to adjust the grind to a finer grind each time until the last grind was "almost espresso fine" and very even. I was impressed. The 2009 El Alto COE migrated in the vac pot even with the very fine grind! Not all varieties of greens will do that. I will loosen up the grind a bit and make it a tad courser for tomorrow morning.

The upper hopper where you place the whole roasted beans will hold about one "dry cup" measure. That's about enough for two pots in my vac pot. The finished hopper, made of oak, will hold a bit more than the upper pre grind hopper located at the top with the grind handle.

With all that said I like my new grinder that my wife purchased for me from Tom. It is very attractive on my cabin counter top and does a very nice job of grinding for the vac pot, french press, or drip here at home. It is a hand grinder. It takes a bit of time so adds a bit to the morning routine. That doesn't bother me in the least. I know it is not recommended for espresso. However, I was amazed at the fineness of the tight adjustment and the results. I will probably get my final adjustment for the vac pot and leave it. The adjustment does take a bit of tuning. That grind also works for drip here at the Spain's. My electric goes out a lot here in the woods of East Central Ohio and having a manual grinder will come in handy. I like it! It's not for everyone, but if you are looking for a beautiful piece of kitchen wood and don't mind taking time to manually grind, I recommend the grinder. Not cheap, but very nice.

Feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer them. Tom has no idea of my response in this thread. I have no obligation to him or his product.    Jim


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Re: Texas Coffee Grinders
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2009, 11:59:41 PM »
I have now had the grinder for one day. I have ground 5 batches


 5 batches in less than 24 hours... WOW I bet you pulled out all those Canin firs by hand... LOL  Good thing you are off all month....  oh wait another good reason to visit.... Shhh better not tell Rob he will want one... Glad you like the present Patty purchased for you...

take care


« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 12:01:32 AM by Dale »