Author Topic: Rafino sieving system  (Read 18281 times)

Offline peter

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Re: Rafino sieving system
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2016, 06:26:32 PM »
I don't accept that all things remain unchanged. A grinder, due to design, age, and a host of other variables, is likely to put out results that change over time. How does a nut loosen on a bolt? What is the output of a clean set of burrs vs. not clean? How much change occurs with each use? How often should a grinder be cleaned? These questions can't be answered without data. My grinder is likely not producing the same output at the same setting as the day I brought it home. If I know what the output should be, I can set it to THAT "notch" rather than the one I used when I first bought it. I don't know how to explain why information is important to me...perhaps it's due to the influence of a college professor who was always stressing the importance of accuracy. Maybe it's just that the 'a-pinch-of-this' and 'a-touch-of-that' technique is not an ideal way to achieve consistent results. I like to quantify the variables just so that I know the equipment is doing what it is supposed to be doing...delivering a predictable output.

That's what your palate is for upshot, to tell you when one of the parameters needs changing.  "What?", you ask.  "How's my taster supposed to taste that?"  That's my point; if you can't taste it, why concern yourself?

Half in jest / half serious.
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Re: Rafino sieving system
« Reply #61 on: April 20, 2016, 06:39:10 PM »
You are the one who mentioned moisture in your post, but I see you are twisting around here so will leave it be, im not into correcting grammar and 100 fold cut paste / quotes.

Enjoy your screen and please let us know how it works for you.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!


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Re: Rafino sieving system
« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2016, 07:49:22 PM »
Really Aaron? I thought the start of this thread was just a fluke...a misunderstanding, but now I'm beginning to think there is a comprehension deficit in play here. I will try to keep my analogies to a minimum so as not to be misunderstood.

Peter, you are spot need to qualify your statement...I'm really not that thin skinned! The true test of everything that is done shows up in the cup. If some people take the long way to get there, so be it. My moisture tester will be used to confirm that what I think I bought is actually what I bought. If this variable proves to red flag bad experiences in the cup, that would be a great outcome, if not, no matter, it takes less than a minute to check moisture content. Having found that screens can be had on eBay for a song...essentially. I will purchase a couple and once in awhile, when I'm bored, I will screen a grind to see what, if anything has changed. Other than this. I'm probably going back to stealth mode. Too many critics spoil the brew...THAT is a paraphrase of an old adage Arron...

Offline Joe

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Re: Rafino sieving system
« Reply #63 on: April 20, 2016, 08:09:10 PM »
Seriously look at 500 micron screen on google or what ever screen size is your ideal. Not too expensive...

eBay has listings for 12"x12" SS screens in 100 - 1000 micron sizes for about $7.00 each. That's a bit more affordable. So you're opinion is that 500 micron is the low threshold? I'm not that geeky about fact, I actually enjoy a muddy cup of coffee on occasion and break out the press. Not sure I'd purchase more than three screens though, unless I start geeking out real hard...hey, I'm not a young guy anymore and anything could happen!

$7.00 x what ever size floats your grounds seems like a nice discount. I don't profess an ideal size I grind to taste -zen style. Also you can actually buy sieves they use them for geological sifting I bet they don't have that "wow" factor when you bust them out to show it to your buddies though. The Rafino definitely has the apple coolness going for it. Geo sieves are more for the Indiana Jones crowd.