Author Topic: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction  (Read 5632 times)

Offline BaconFat

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My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« on: September 30, 2014, 07:51:27 AM »
While I'm waiting for a response from Behmor tech support, I thought I'd see if anyone else had this problem.

I installed the 1600 Plus front panel last night.  The installation was pretty straight forward and the self test ran as described.

I decided to do a dry run to make sure everything worked and I was going to do one after the next roast anyway so this seemed

like good timing.  Using 1/4# & P1 settings, I started the roaster and waited.  When the roast cycle ended the cooling cycle began,

but the front panel flashed error code ERR7.  Unfortunately, Behmor's website doesn't list this error code so I don't know what's


Ray T

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 08:03:49 AM »
New safety feature to tell the system to continue at the 75% mark.  So as a safety feature, it put the beans into cool and gave you an err7.  Basically, the new panel has a dead man switch. I think you hit start when it starts flashing

Offline BaconFat

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 08:39:02 AM »
Thanks.  I also got a fast response from Behmor reiterating what you said. 

Offline JojoS

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 07:05:17 PM »
It is part of the new safety feature. Did your upgrade kit come with any installation and usage manual?

Offline BaconFat

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 11:04:07 PM »
It is part of the new safety feature. Did your upgrade kit come with any installation and usage manual?

I bought the upgrade kit from SM and all they included was the installation instructions.  They should have included something to the effect, "Before using the roaster with the new panel, read blank, blank and blank."  I had planned to find out what improvements were made before my next roast.  I just didn't expect anything out of the ordinary doing a dry run.   

Offline forgop

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2014, 06:17:39 AM »
This is such a ridiculous "feature" in my opinion.  For 2+ years, I've roasted in my man cave and read or surfed the web on my laptop listening for auditory cues when it comes to stopping my roast.  Not once have I had a problem.  Now I have to bird dog a time for a whole span of 30 seconds without ever even hitting first crack.  There's an hour down the drain and a waste of 1.5# of beans.  Wish I had bought a Hottop instead.   

Offline BaconFat

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2014, 07:26:33 AM »
This is such a ridiculous "feature" in my opinion.  For 2+ years, I've roasted in my man cave and read or surfed the web on my laptop listening for auditory cues when it comes to stopping my roast.  Not once have I had a problem.  Now I have to bird dog a time for a whole span of 30 seconds without ever even hitting first crack.  There's an hour down the drain and a waste of 1.5# of beans.  Wish I had bought a Hottop instead.

I have to agree that it's kind of a stupid feature.  What's to keep someone from wandering off after pressing the Start button to cancel the unattended countdown.  A lawyer probably came up with the idea as a CYA measure.  Now having said this, I don't think it's a big deal.  I stand right in front of my roaster the whole time anyway while I'm roasting a batch.  I only roast 8-9 oz at a time which only takes 13 minutes or so.

Offline forgop

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2014, 07:54:57 AM »
This is such a ridiculous "feature" in my opinion.  For 2+ years, I've roasted in my man cave and read or surfed the web on my laptop listening for auditory cues when it comes to stopping my roast.  Not once have I had a problem.  Now I have to bird dog a time for a whole span of 30 seconds without ever even hitting first crack.  There's an hour down the drain and a waste of 1.5# of beans.  Wish I had bought a Hottop instead.

I have to agree that it's kind of a stupid feature.  What's to keep someone from wandering off after pressing the Start button to cancel the unattended countdown.  A lawyer probably came up with the idea as a CYA measure.  Now having said this, I don't think it's a big deal.  I stand right in front of my roaster the whole time anyway while I'm roasting a batch.  I only roast 8-9 oz at a time which only takes 13 minutes or so.
To me, watching a timer or beans turn is about as interesting as watching paint dry. I don't want to do it if I have to be that physically involved in the process. I set the timer to 20 minutes and if I am involved in whatever it is I'm doing for 30 seconds, I ruin the batch.

I sent him an email telling him how much it's garbage and my method of auditory cues are now worthless unless I pay so much attention before 1st cracked has even occurred. If he wanted to do something worthwhile, you might as well set it up to "hear" the first cracked and then the 30 second timer occur.

Offline tahoejoe

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2014, 09:43:06 AM »
SweetMarias was asked to include full operations details w/ instructions obviously they aren't, I'll rectify today... (edit.. just addressed)

Now as to the being annoyed by the new feature.. here is a response I wrote some weeks ago that for the most part sums it up.

Duane..  since you decided to follow through on the threats you made in the email to us I kind of figure a public response is want to know annoying, here's annoying:

A person starts 1/2 pound roast in his basement then goes upstairs to have lunch, forgets he's roasting. You guessed it smoky roast, no bean ignition, the roaster wasn't even damaged from pictures we were provided, just bunch of smoke and the wife gets pissed off at the husband has "cleaners" in to remove the "odor" from her curtains, all bedding, all clothes* because by the time she arrived home an hour later the smoke was gone, but some odor wasn't. She then turns it over to insurance. Insurance sends me a bill, OK threat for $10,000 and in docs supplied admits client ignored instructions, that they have no legal basis for demands in subsequent letters but don't care- they want $$$$ because they are a big, badass insurance company. Almost $10,000 in lawyers fees later, despite the pressure we tell them to FO we won't be extorted.    *The people who advised them they should have the whole house cleaned, were the cleaners who had a vested interest in getting a $10,000 job- ya think they were slightly biased, err motivated in their conclusion?


The paramedic who admits walking from a roaster and when we see he's torched it, offer him a like new unit FREE, we asked he only pay shipping of $29 (its sort of asking him to accept/ bear some responsibility) and instead of being grateful he threatens us with having the roaster investigated for safety by the fire department he works for if he doesn't get a new one free. I later learned this was a federal crime but I moved on. And something to ponder.. if unsafe why would he want another.. an "e" word comes to mind.


the engineer who admits to not following instructions, admits he screwed up but hey I'm (his position) smarter than you and when we made the same offer as above he flips out but finally says OK, so before sending it out Bob tests it to be 100% sure and when it arrives with a few bits of chaff still in it (Bob did get lectured for not fully cleaning out the few bits- he'd cleaned but missed a few) from the test, he flips out again, then contacts the BBB.. when told of what occurred they laughed at the man's insolent nature and allowed my full unedited response to be published.


the ph'd who walked and again smoky roast who lectured us about no other safety feature to prevent their walking away from the roaster and having a problem- she meant dead man switch. They'd had the roaster for almost 2 years but when the good doctor walked.. it was out fault.


the person who admitted roasting in a old storage shed with the roaster on pine wood, up against a wall next to (drum roll) a can of paint thinner.. then walking. In his case he got back in time but still.


the attorney who went inside to read a book.. oops his fault, admits it's his fault to others and found to be his fault because he mis-wired his garage but insurance companies don't give a shit and rates go up 300% for SIX.. yes 6 years all without any claim


And talking to owners/ reps of our competitors, they have experienced the same and in one case it was an attorney who let them know his time was free to pursue them. And trust me none of us are getting rich.. we love what we do so we go forward

So while I can appreciate your concern over maybe losing $4-7 in green beans or WADR having to actually stay with the roaster or get back to it early. You wanna be pissed, annoyed and/or angry try being in my shoes for a month- you'd be ready to go ape shit crazy if those things annoy/ anger you, so please keep things in perspective. And as was highlighted by others elsewhere, the whole idea was to give the user more control which to utilize requires one be in attendance and at 75% (based only/soley on default times, example 1lb default 18:00 = unattended always begins w/ 4:30 left) into a roast you are at the edge of 1C !

We aren't perfect and do our best to assist even when we aren't in anyway at fault because we understand mistakes happen but we build this equipment for everyone's pleasure and we are required morally, ethically and legally to have it built safely and to meet standards provided to us so it can be assembled, insured, and safety certified etc to protect all involved. We won't ship something uncertified that can't meet safety house requirements and claim it's too expensive to do so- your safety and our (OK mine) peace of mind demands we do all that is right and to meet all standards.

As to a beeper.. again all sounds easy but guess what it isn't. That would have required 2 full/ complete boards redesigns, more certifications, more difficult to install, longer design cycle AND about 2-300% increase in costs which would have negated the upgrade for many. Further then people would walk away and rely on the "beep" and if the beeper failed more cause for people to find reason to complain.

If the decision were left to me and given my "take personal responsibility" beliefs I'd leave it to your own devices but as I know with 100% certainty that doesn't fly in today's litigious society I'm forced to put safety features in some of you may feel are useless or simply annoying but those with final say disagree.. those being assembly houses, lawyers, insurance companies, safety houses etc.

If what I wrote offended anyone, my apologies but it's easy to sit in your chair and throw stones without ever considering what we see from our chairs, all while trying please all parties.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 10:13:54 AM by tahoejoe »


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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2014, 10:24:04 AM »
Now as to the being annoyed by the new feature.. here is a response I wrote some weeks ago that for the most part sums it up.


Helpful post Joe.  I find myself in greater appreciation for the manu end, the business aspects, and the challenges faced.


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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2014, 12:58:50 PM »

Wish I had bought a Hottop instead.

FYI the Hottop has the same safety feature.


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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2014, 02:38:58 PM »
It's a good feature for all the reasons mentioned. I read about it in the instructions and it came as no surprise. It always happens at the same point in the roast and at a time when you should be paying the most attention.
Good job, Joe. Thanks for listening to us and making the upgrade available.


Offline Ascholten

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2014, 04:51:04 PM »
Ive started some pretty nice fires in my Behmor by not paying attention.  Safety features are a GOOD thing, if you are a dumb ass like me and are going to walk away, do 'distracting' things and 'think' you will 'remember' you are roasting coffee and come back 'in time' to stop the roast, well, these 'safety features' are saving your ass from an insurance claim.

Be glad they are there.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 01:14:48 PM by Ascholten »
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline peter

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2014, 05:57:02 PM »

Be glad they are there.


Or get yourself a cockatiel and train him to squawk when flames start coming out of the roaster.   :)
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: My Behmor roaster has a malfunction
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2014, 01:18:29 PM »
He squawks when the phone rings or the doorbell goes off.  The roaster not so much, but im sure if fire got in the house he'd set off a racket.
I do have a cockatiel but he's kind of a doofus, he likes to tease the big one and THAT is a noise fest I don't need is when I let him out and those two get at it.  Unfortunately coffee is poisonous to birds or id have a coffee partner for sure, he likes to share many of the other foods I do.

Also I edited my  previous post, I meant to say Behmor, not Hot Top, same principle though, safety features are a good thing.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!