Author Topic: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show  (Read 44724 times)


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #60 on: March 31, 2012, 10:59:16 AM »
The Ibrik was delivered to JSpain on Thursday the 29th 12:16pm according to USPS.

Impressions: I liked the looks of it: pretty copper. I threw in a microfiber cloth to polish it and keep it shiny. Overall, I am not a fan of Turkish coffee though. The Columbian Huila was pretty palatable and did not taste bad, and the powder fines really didn't bother me. Maybe it would just need to grow on me, but I'm not sure.

I think I am just stuck on my CCD. I love that thing.


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #61 on: March 31, 2012, 11:21:49 AM »
Cool. I think BLZFN is going to do a meet-up with us in Portland.  Jim, you can do a hand-off if you wish.


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #62 on: March 31, 2012, 02:18:59 PM »
Cool. I think BLZFN is going to do a meet-up with us in Portland.  Jim, you can do a hand-off if you wish.


Great idea, but it depends on suitcase space? I'll see. I got it on Friday!!!! That was quick!!!  Jim


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Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #63 on: April 08, 2012, 10:02:54 AM »
I have one of the Ibriks (or djezve). 

I'm going to play with it this week and get it out later this week.

Going to make a little cup now. And see how it goes.


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Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #64 on: April 08, 2012, 10:35:08 AM »
Just tried it now...

A 5 day rested Full City Roast of brazil santos and Guatemala Antigua.   

Smooth, not bitter, smokeyness of Guat  comes through.   

Tastes sort of like a really strong French press, or something.

So far I'm enjoying it. Thanks for the pass around...

i hvala Miroslav za Turksa kafa recept.


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #65 on: April 16, 2012, 10:36:29 PM »
I have received the Ibrik from Mr. Spain and will send it on its maiden voyage tomorrow morning.  This will be my first try piloting an Ibrik so my expectations are low, which usually improves the perceived results! 


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Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #66 on: April 19, 2012, 02:29:23 PM »
Sorry about the delay on my end...I'm putting this in the mail tomorrow morning...I meant to do it anyday this week, but it either slipped my mind or was just too low on the priority list (depending on the day). It will go out tomorrow, sorry again for the delay.

I do like it though, great idea for a pass around.


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #67 on: April 20, 2012, 04:49:21 PM »
I have tried brewing with the Ibrik twice now, mainly just to get used to the process.  I used 16 oz of water and 32g of coffee ground to a fine powder.  The first time I didn't have the heat high enough on my electric stove (started at 7) and after three boils and ~8 minutes the brew was strong but tasted overextracted.  Repeated the process again with the stove on high and the process completed in under 5 minutes.  This brew was pretty good, but not spectacular.  I think I need to be in between these two brew times and it should be just about right.  Now I got the timing down I am going to try some better coffee and may even go get some cardamom to try out.


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #68 on: April 27, 2012, 09:24:39 PM »
I decided to give this one more try before sending it off next week and this was the most successful brew I have made.  I watched vids on Youtube and did some reading and this is what I ended up doing.

~9 oz water
~3 T coffee (Ethiopia Aleta Wondo city roast)
~3 t sugar

Put water in Ibrik crank heat to high on the electric range.  Add sugar (didn't stir) and put on range.  Sugar dissolves rather quick and as soon as I saw the tiny bubbles forming I added the coffee and stirred well to completely incorporate.  Returned to heat and crema built very rapidly as soon as the head rose and large bubbles appeared I removed the Ibrik from the heat.  I let it settle for a few seconds and returned to boil one more time.  I then removed from heat and let it settle, spooned a bit of the crema into my demi-tasse and then poured.  I let it settle in the cup and enjoyed the nice, albeit sweet fruity cup.  I'm not sure what it is supposed to taste like but this is actually enjoyable.  I still don't think I would buy one other than as decoration and entertainment value and in those cases I would want an antique. 

I'm going to brew a few more times over the weekend then send it off on Monday.


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #69 on: May 09, 2012, 05:23:50 AM »
Just checking to see where our Ibriks are.  Please update the thread, thanks.



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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #70 on: May 09, 2012, 08:47:01 AM »
According to the USPS website the ibrik is in the back of your mail carrier's jeep.  Enjoy B|Turkish!   8)


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #71 on: May 10, 2012, 03:01:18 PM »
My Ibrik landed on the porch last eve, just as Bro' Dave said it would.  Where is the 2nd one?

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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #72 on: May 10, 2012, 03:35:09 PM »
I guess mmw has it. He hasn't asked for my address yet.

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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #73 on: May 11, 2012, 07:37:10 AM »
Yes, I have it.  Sorry I've been quite busy the last couple of weeks and need one more weekend with it.  :)
"During the early 19th century, most Americans subsisted on a diet of pork, whiskey, and coffee.  ----- Where did we go wrong?


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Re: Full: Ibirk, Turkish Coffee Maker - Traveling Road Show
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2012, 11:50:48 AM »
Ibirk hand-delivered!  Just finished meeting SYP and his significant other, swapped some coffee talk, and looking forward to espresso with some of the Ethiopian Deri Kochoha Sidama Jeremy laid on me with the new coffee toy.

Thanks again to SYP, great to meet both of you, thanks for the roadshow Dave!  A little caffeinated today, will try out the Turkish tomorrow.