Since we are talking pourover. I just got 8 cup Chemex and am trying to prioritize what I buy next. Scale or goose neck with temp readout?
You can do good pourovers w/o a scale, but you can't do good pours w/o a good spout. I doubt you need the temp readout either.
I don't know about that, Peter. I would buy a scale before I would buy a good spout, here's why...
- My 6 cup Chemex always sits on my scale. The chemex is glass, the kitchen countertops are granite, that's a bad combination. The scale protects the Chemex.
- Because my Chemex always sits on my scale, when it comes time to get some coffee going I turn on the scale, grab my Kone 2 and put it in the Chemex, tare the scale and then pour my whole beans into the Kone 2 until I get 23-24gms. The beans get poured into my grinder. The ground beans then get poured back into my Kone 2 which sits in the Chemex. I can pour an exact 50-60mg pre-infusion (whatever strikes my fancy that morning) and I can pour exactly to my 400mg end weight. Without a scale, all of this becomes guesswork and that means imprecise trends.
(Besides, scales cost $20, it's a no-brainer)