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Shipping and Order Updates

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ALL orders are on their way out.

Some of you who ordered 5 lb packages, they might be delayed getting to you.
UPS had some sort of 'super saver' thing, and it turns out it sucks ass.

Ideally, the way it was supposed to work is,  I give the package to the mailman, he turns it over to UPS, they drive it to where you live, then give it to YOUR mailman, who then drops it at your door step.

Easy right?....  yah my latest reply from them, was due to christmas volume packages are taking 10 to 14 days to get where they belong.

NOT happy.

Everything IS out though.  IF you do not see a package by new years, Ill send you a new one, just let me know.

Speaking of New Years.  I have some news I will be sharing.

I may be getting some help, which will let me get the coffee out MUCH FASTER, and in MUCH GREATER VOLUME.
I might potentially even be able to start dabbling into the roasting on more of a full time basis.  But that is still in the works so we'll have to hash things out and pray it works.

Postage... prices are going to go up, BUT.... I think I will be able to keep most of the rates the same, or within 50 cents.  The only one that is going to be majorly affected are 5lb packages.  Those I might have to do away with and just merge into shipping for 1 to 10 Lbs, one package.  It has proven to be too much of an issue with UPS, although I am still holding out hope the post office still offers decent rates for that weight range.

There will be a BIG announcement New Years day along with a BIG NEW distribution!


Happy BOO Year !!!!!



1 PM EST...March 29  2024  ARE processed.

There were a few that were backlogged they are on their way.

Bradley, for your order.  there is no other way to put it besides, I fucked that one up.  I own it, I'll take care of it.
You have a full refund coming your way AND I am sending you the coffee anyways, a tracking number was sent to you in paypal and should be in DM's as well.  I apologize for that.

Some other individuals, ( I don't want to name names because some people get real touchy about that so trying to respect privacy when I can) were asking about the Ethiopian,  I have plenty  order away!  not sure why the PP did not get to you

Any other questions or concerns please post them here or in DM's 
The server is BACK restarted on the e mail thing and it should be all caught up.   they did an update to the php version or some stupid BS and it halted my mail router, and things backed up.  I did not check it recently so did not catch that :(

We should be all good to go now.


Thank you for keeping the site up Aaron. I imagine its a lot of work.

Michael Yost
can I please get a good address to ship to you.
pay pal is not letting me message you again for some reason.

thank you


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