Author Topic: $$ Machine = Better Shot?  (Read 19153 times)

Offline John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #45 on: April 07, 2008, 11:18:43 AM »

Did you guess French Toast, or was it really French Toast?


Apples and oranges WAS French Toast and that is confirmed.

Background to explain the above:

Staylor pulled a shot this am and poured 2oz of raw cream into it for a breve +.

It was a total French Toast bomb. Buttery, syrup, even bread and egg... :o French toast luxury cloud espresso in a 4oz cup.

Now that is confirmed, locked down, and for 100% freaky real.

The machine thing is a guess but it is based on much better conditions that the other examples in this thread. 

Meanwhile I bet nobody else here had a 4oz raw cream breve French toast bomb today so take this.  :pottytrain2:

 ;D ;D

John F
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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #46 on: April 07, 2008, 11:57:42 AM »
Meanwhile I bet nobody else here had a 4oz raw cream breve French toast bomb today so take this.  :pottytrain2:
 ;D ;D
John F

No ... but it does sound like it is worth trying.  Even though it might have set you back a little on your weight loss.   I can't try it today any way ... I am fasting.

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #47 on: April 07, 2008, 11:59:38 AM »

I think that emoticon needs to see a doctor.
Catch and release - into the grease!

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2008, 12:45:59 PM »
1-Cnter, 2-Bean, 3-Skin, 4-Parchmnt, 5-Pect, 6-Pu
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Offline John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2008, 04:54:18 PM »
Meanwhile I bet nobody else here had a 4oz raw cream breve French toast bomb today so take this.  :pottytrain2:
 ;D ;D
John F

No ... but it does sound like it is worth trying.  Even though it might have set you back a little on your weight loss.   I can't try it today any way ... I am fasting.


Not a chance but I see how it might look that way.

I actually needed those calories going into that block of time.

John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2008, 04:57:14 PM »
Not a chance but I see how it might look that way.
I actually needed those calories going into that block of time.
John F

Hey John ... you should look into Coconut oil ... it will give you some calories as well as burn off fat.  Check it out!

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Offline John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2008, 05:01:41 PM »
Hey John ... you should look into Coconut oil ... it will give you some calories as well as burn off fat.  Check it out!

For real?

The only oil I use right now is Extra Virgin Olive oil.

I thought all the other oils like coconut, palm, and so on were less desirable but I'll check it out.

John F
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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2008, 09:26:40 AM »
Hey John ... you should look into Coconut oil ... it will give you some calories as well as burn off fat.  Check it out!

For real?

The only oil I use right now is Extra Virgin Olive oil.

I thought all the other oils like coconut, palm, and so on were less desirable but I'll check it out.

John F

Yes absolutely ... for real ... Palm and Coconut are mid chain fats.  Coconut is anti viral, anti microbal and anti fungal.  It is absolutely the best oil to fry with as no transfatty acids.  It has a unique structure (as does the Palm oil) that does not break down under extreme high heat such as the other oils do.  Coconut oil and Palm oil were used all the time for cooking ... the only reason why that stopped is because the Japanese cut off the Philippines to the US and so the US (using great American enginuity) starting the propaganda that  the only good oils to use were vegetable oils.  You see they invented the poly saturated fat phenomenon.  Eating a raw coconut will not only help you lose weight ... it will also help your digestion.  I don't know if you like Curry ... but in Florida last year we went to a Chinese food restaurant and I had this vegetable curry dish that was cooked in coconut milk ... the best curry dish I had anywhere.  It was awesome.   

Coconut  is an amazing food!

1-Cnter, 2-Bean, 3-Skin, 4-Parchmnt, 5-Pect, 6-Pu
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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2008, 09:31:41 AM »
I agree with your order of importance except you've added water to the 4M's, and placed it last. I'd place it equal to or 2nd to the bean.

That said IMO my very best shots with Silvia (with us 3&1/2yrs) are matched on a ho-hum regular basis with rotary Bricoletta and Bricoletta's best never attained with Silvia. And Bricoletta's best shots more repeatably attained on my PID'd Linea...

Grinder grinder grinder can't be over emphasised AND replace burrs regulary to keep 'em sharp! For instance with a decent entry level for espresso Rocky every 75# or so grinding for 'spro. No espresso machine comparison is really valid unless coffee the same, water the same and grinder the same including same burr wear state.

Agreed Mike ... all things being equal ... if a higher class machine is acquired to make espresso then the espresso will be much better.  PID'ing an HX machine will yield better repeatability due to more stable temperature control.
1-Cnter, 2-Bean, 3-Skin, 4-Parchmnt, 5-Pect, 6-Pu
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Offline John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #54 on: April 30, 2008, 07:03:13 AM »
That said IMO my very best shots with Silvia (with us 3&1/2yrs) are matched on a ho-hum regular basis with rotary Bricoletta and Bricoletta's best never attained with Silvia. And Bricoletta's best shots more repeatably attained on my PID'd Linea...

Stands to reason.  ;)

My issue is in this sort of general area.....

What machine pulls the best shots with 3 week old previously frozen coffee?

Does HX or PID make the most difference/ better shot with the above coffee?


See what I'm sayin?

John F
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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #55 on: April 30, 2008, 07:16:22 AM »
I don't know if you like Curry ...

Try to stick your hand between my fork and some Panang curry and you will find out.  ;D ;D

John F
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Lee Morrison

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2008, 07:40:58 AM »
What machine pulls the best shots with 3 week old previously frozen coffee?
Does HX or PID make the most difference/ better shot with the above coffee?

Just a wild guess but I bet an HX will make a better pull with 3 week old previously frozen coffee than will the Sylvia.  Adding a PID will just make the HX more consistent at pulling very good shots.

Elementary my dear Watson.

1-Cnter, 2-Bean, 3-Skin, 4-Parchmnt, 5-Pect, 6-Pu
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Offline John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #57 on: April 30, 2008, 08:49:50 AM »
Just a wild guess but I bet an HX will make a better pull with 3 week old previously frozen coffee than will the Sylvia.  Adding a PID will just make the HX more consistent at pulling very good shots.

Yeah, I have considered this has swayed me and I now concede the point.

More expensive machines make better shots when all other things are equal.

John F

"At no point should you be in condition white unless you are in your bed sleeping with your doors locked."

Lee Morrison

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2008, 08:56:00 AM »
Yeah, I have considered this has swayed me and I now concede the point.

More expensive machines make better shots when all other things are equal.

John F

YYYYYaaaaYYYYYY!   Welcome to the HX side John (or > $1000.00 machines).

1-Cnter, 2-Bean, 3-Skin, 4-Parchmnt, 5-Pect, 6-Pu
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Offline John F

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Re: $$ Machine = Better Shot?
« Reply #59 on: April 30, 2008, 02:18:55 PM »
YYYYYaaaaYYYYYY!   Welcome to the HX side John (or > $1000.00 machines).

Well it's more complicated than that but the short answer is I might have a $2K machine someday but I'm pretty sure it's not going to be HX. I will get better results from it on a more constant basis because it will be more capable than what I have now. The key part being that I am able to get the maximum potential out of what I have now so the machine is actually the limiting factor for me at this point.

Over the last few months I've come to realize we are all on totally different coffee and espresso journeys and as such our ideas of something like "better shot" are perhaps light years away from each other.

I've now got serious doubts that the majority of conversations like this one mean anything at all because we are most certainly not even talking about the same things.  :-\

So...the point I have been trying to make is irrelevant. The baseline does not matter because I am starting to believe I now believe the baseline does not exist. This really isn't a rant but my realization that I should not be having these types of conversations anymore because of the above.

John F

"At no point should you be in condition white unless you are in your bed sleeping with your doors locked."

Lee Morrison