I was able to use the kone about 5 times.
The first time, my coffee was horribly overextracted, as I used too fine of a grind. I think it was close to 6 minutes total.
I don't know if I ever got the grind just right, but I noticed this device made the coffee bloom a heck of a lot longer, and I wasn't sure if my water pouring technique was any good.
Overall, I could taste a significant difference between the kone and a paper filter v60 or clever dripper brew. I liked it better, but found the last couple drinks unpalatable. I'm just not a fan of "leftovers" in the cup at the end. One test I didn't have time for was a brew in the kone, followed by a pour through in a paper filter, but I dont think it would have done much.
I don't think I'm going to buy one, but the roadshow was totally worth it.
I'm not sure if since I was using a v60 size 3, where the kone didn't really fit in made any difference or not, but it was the best I had.
My next testing will be with aeropress regular and fine disks. I have the regular one branded under coava, but I'm looking forward to grabbing a fine filter to compare to the kone brews.