Author Topic: June 2022 Update  (Read 3148 times)

Offline Ascholten

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June 2022 Update
« on: June 06, 2022, 01:19:28 PM »
Hello everyone:

I want to send an e mail out to the masses to catch everyone up on what all has been going on.

I have had some family issues, a death in the family, and some medical stuff going on, so the past 2 weeks or so has been a real mess.  I got back in town last Thursday, and the last vestiges of visiting family out of the house Saturday, collapsed all day Sunday :( so here we are at Monday and finally getting back to normal.

Any orders that have been made in the last say 8 or 9 days are delayed.  No way to sugarcoat it, they did not get shipped out until TODAY.
I ran everything last night and finally got everything caught up to where it should be.
I apologize for the delays but life happens and one must always take care of their family first and always.  I hope you understand.

Over the next few weeks I will be making some changes to the Domain and may have a sister domain up as well.    I was able to grab the name
This is a lot easier to remember, and also will serve as a backup in case something happens here, and I also am branching out into other areas as well and it will serve as a landing spot for my other stuff as well.   You may see some stuff from / about that in the coming weeks, it's just me trying to hone things.  I want to eventually try to add shopping carts or stuff to make it easier for everyone to order coffee but need somewhere to test it out first, so that it does not blow up the site here while we tinker.

Onto other news ~~~

Even though I may not be sending out tons of e mails (I will get better at keeping everyone informed, this is one of my top priorities.) there still are new coffee's coming in!  Please make it a habit to check out the Current Offerings pages every so often and see what's hit !!

Speaking of New.   

We have a new distributor coming on here very soon.  Please welcome Javagonzo.   He has been with us a while and wants to step up into the world of coffee distributing.
As many have noticed, Peter is pretty much retired now, and is not going to be really active much anymore in the distributing world.  Gonzo will be essentially taking the reigns from Peter from that part of the world :D

Some other quick news.

I will be sending out an update distro notice here in a few days once I  get all my numbers crunched and see what's what, but as an off the cuff.

I have plenty of the Honduras Royal Reserva,  ie the Strawberry/Cherry bomb left!  The prices started creeping so I got a lot of it before it shot thru the roof, so am able to keep the prices the same.   One thing about this crop is, it IS a new batch from the last one, as it was picked later in the season so could be different, I recupped it.  Recupping, this one has everything the earlier crop did, and if I must, Id say the strawberry / berry flavors are a little more intense in this lot.  This one is also wonderful to play with, letting it develop a lot longer than normal can mute out some of the brightess, and bring out some chocolaty notes, kind of like the Legender Estate that I just sold out of.  Although this offering has been going on a while, this current batch is NEW, from a later crop.

I have some other new stuff getting ready to hit the streets too real soon so stay tuned !

One final reminder:

If I have a problem  with one of your orders, I will try to contact you via Pay Pal's Message App, the e mail you provided in pay pal, and thru the forum here if I am able to.  Please make an effort to check these spots if there seems to be a problem with an order so we can get it corrected and your coffee sent to you !   You always need to supply me with a good shipping address on every order.   No I do NOT keep your personal info.

Thank you for your time and patience and be on the lookout for an inaugural distribution notice from Gonzo here !


Aaron and the Peach Pest.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2022, 01:21:40 PM by Ascholten »
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline ABav8tor

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Re: June 2022 Update
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2022, 07:15:24 PM »
I am all in support of you. I wish you solace in your journey.

Offline brianmch

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Re: June 2022 Update
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2022, 02:35:16 PM »
Sorry for your troubles Aaron.

Offline Ascholten

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Re: June 2022 Update
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2022, 02:43:07 PM »
Hello everyone.

Update here.

EVERY ORDER that was ordered up until about 3 am last night is on it's way.  Many of ya'all were already on the way days ago but figured I'd put this out to let everyone know that it is ALL caught up and I'll be checking daily and shipping probably every few days unless it's a major distro, then it'll be going out daily.

Pay pal has been acting goofy notifying people when I put notes on your transaction with shipping info, so Im open to suggestions as to other means to let people know their info. (Keep in mind a LOT of you don't give me e mails, forum names etc when you order, even though i ask, so a reply of, tell them in here, well if it was really that easy !!  )

Im trying to figure out a way to ship 30 - 40 lb orders and keep prices down but so far, been seeing too much damage to the boxes.  Not sure if it's just so heavy they are dropping them more, getting pissed then kicking them or what :D  but the several 'test boxes' I have mailed, have sustained a lot more damage than what I am doing right now.

Anyways,...hoping everryone has their coffee by friday / saturday and if not please let me know.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: June 2022 Update
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2022, 05:12:02 AM »
ALL orders up to right now, are on their way out.
I just packed the last of the ones that came in over the weekend and everything is on it's way.

Thank you
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!