Author Topic: Im a bit behind  (Read 4314 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Im a bit behind
« on: January 02, 2023, 09:23:34 AM »
Just a quick note, im running a bit behind here.  Had some medical issues, still not resolved and to top it off. I broke my foot on new years eve, so hobbling around, trying to get surgery done on it and all the gd doctors offices are closed today because of the holiday.   Since it wasn't a bone sticking out the side, they did not consider it 'emergency' enough to do the surgery at the hospital and sent me outpatient to a podiatrist.   Throw a busted tooth and... something they don't know what happened but if you want my opinion almost feels like a mini stroke.  Ive had a rough week and trying to catch up now, since I can't do anything esle.

The good news is, I called UPS and they will come to the house and pick up my packages so i don't have to lug them around, just drop them on my front door.  I was able to get them to waive the pickup fees so that's a good thing I won't have to charge more.

please give me a day or two to try to get caught up when im not dizzy or getting sick.

thank you

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Offline brianmch

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2023, 07:08:02 AM »
Did you win or lose that a$$ kicking contest?


Offline peter

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2023, 01:04:44 PM »
Hurry up and ship my beans doggonit.  No excuses!  I sent money 2 days ago and the beans aren't here yet!?

These are the good ol' days, right?  I think you need a wife to help you out, Aaron.

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2023, 06:59:03 PM »
I need something at this point Peter.
Still have not seen anyone about the foot, getting the run around from the Primary care provider and the hospital, hopefully tomorrow i see an ortho surgeon to see what they can do about it.  hurts like hell, oxy is NOT helping anymore and in a miserable mood.

I AM getting the coffee caught up, I can't sleep so will continue working orders to get them out tomorrow and catch up.   Just so friggin depressed right now and feel like shit and fuck it, i wish this year had a reset button.

Maybe ill break out one of my Kona's and drink something special to see if that gets me out of this funk.

to top it off, I JUST got a motorcycle and was planning on riding and having some fun on the weekends.  not with a club foot I won't be :evil:

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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2023, 07:51:18 AM »
EVERYTHING that was ordered up until yestereday is out.

Hopefully you should be seeing it in a few days.

If you have not received your coffee by MONDAY let me know and we can start a tracer.

Note:  For the individuals who are NOT in continental United States, you will have to wait a bit longer.  Right now USPS is taking about 2 weeks on those packages, yes even to the islands, the delay is that long..

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Online ptrmorton

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2023, 08:11:40 AM »
I'm happy to see that you are up to posting cupping notes, etc., Aaron. I assume that means you are getting "back on your feet" ;D   Hoping you continue to feel better.
AZ Peter

Proverbs 3:5-6

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2023, 01:09:04 PM »
Im getting there Peter.  It's slow but im working at it.  In the next few days ill have some more posted and the orders from the last two or three days out of here.

Still waiting to get an MRI,  I tell you baptist medical is the worst system I have ever had the misfortune of being in.  I wouldn't take my dog to them to put it to sleep at this point im so disgusted with them.  Just incompetence left and right and everyone gives you that blank stare and oh im sorry, but really don't care.

I am also updating my offerings and working on the final prices from UPS so I am hoping I can drop the price of shipping a buck or so here and there on some of the price ranges.  I wanted to do a huge roll out with a bunch of new coffee's and the 'big tada' for 2023 but that all went into the crapper along with my health and happiness rating :(

It is what it is though and we'll work our way through it.  Just so tired all the time it seems and the migraines are not helpful either.  it's amazing also that even with a broken foot, standing goofy when I walk is enough to throw off the rest of my busted up stuff too.  My back is a mess now, my shoulder on that side is bothering me again, geesh.  I need to teach this good for nothing free loading bird how to bag coffee or at least deliver it or something !!  :D

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Offline canonizer

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2023, 03:19:58 PM »
oof, Aaron, I was going to check in on shipping and then saw this. Sorry to hear about the health issues

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2023, 12:35:00 AM »
I am all caught up to this very moment in time as far as shipping orders goes
The last of everything is going out this morning to the UPS office at 9 am ish.

I have someone who is going to be able to help me for the next few months, as it's looking like I probably will need surgery.  I will find out for sure today when I go to THAT appointment.   The rest of my health problems are winding down too thank god.  The latest biopsy came back negative, a very good thing. and it looks like we are finally getting my thyroid under control here.  Other than that, Im just old and healthy as a horse !!  (that's heading to the glue factory  >:D )

I have a bunch more coffees that I got here that i STILL need to finish cupping and get the notes up and that heading out the door.  I plan on doing this over the weekend, as so far, I don't see anything that should prevent me.  I also want to revamp slightly the offering methods and stuff to make it a bit easier to do.  Unfortunately some of the wordy ness has to stay as protection against dirt bags who try to scam and steal. but we'll try to purty it up a bit.

Other than that, I do apologize to everyone for my once again, falling behind here but hopefully this is the last time this year we go thru this and I can stay on top of things.

one thing I have found is that I tend to feel better and be able to be active longer when I wake up very early like 2 am, and get right to work then, and try to get everything going and done in the wee early hours so by say 2 to 4 pm, im pretty much done and ready to call it a day.  This actually works well for the coffee part as Im able to get things done when the weather is cooler out and at the 'end of my work day' is still working hours and the UPS office is open so my finishing touches for the day can be to deliver the coffee to them to send out.   With THIS in mind, I worked it out with them so that I am getting a real decent rate when they come to my house to pick up the beans instead of me bringing them to them, and am pretty sure I'll be able to work it where it won't cost you anything extra because I'll have established a rapport with the UPS driver, and he'll just stop at my house when he's in the hood to see if I got anything today.  I see him driving by very often so I think this will work very well for us.

Well let me get going here, im checking for final notes before sending off this latest batch of boxes.

Take care everyone and thank you for your understanding.

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Offline peter

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2023, 02:12:34 PM »
I'm glad to hear things are looking up for you, Aaron.  Good to see you have the resolve and fortitude to keep going, and keep the Club stocked up!
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Offline Ascholten

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2023, 03:37:57 PM »
I will be finishing up orders tonight and getting things caught up and tracking etc out to everyone.

I expect that all packages will be in UPS hands tomorrow morning at 9am when they open.

Been in the hospital with a clot.  They put me on meds and it's looking good now  but not sure where it came from.  One theory is from my broken foot, but well, I don't know.

Just as a general health warning.  If you feel numbness in your arm, like a squeezing pain like someone got a thumb and is grinding it into your arm or I should probably say ANY part of your body.  Don't think it's just your arthritis acting up, or because you are standing wierd because of your broken foot, and must be pinching something in your neck... it might be much worse.

Nobody likes going to the ER, it sucks and well.. it's embarrassing, especially if there is nothing really wrong but if there IS something, and you decide to blow it off, the results can be fatal.

I was told at the hospital that a heart attack sometimes can last for a week before it nails you, ie you have a blockage causing problems, which you ignore, it gets worse and worse until stuff dies, then YOU die.

TBH I never EVER gave a blood clot a seconds thought.  Im fairly healthy, my heart is healthy, im  not vaxxed, my arteries are open, had the ultarsound on that a year or so ago.    How the hell does a broken bone turn into a clot?  My foot looked horrible, but Ive been  bruised before pretty badly, and never this, so how does that go from the toe to the arm?

At least I can still drink coffee. god that hospital stuff was awful.  I should pay them a visit and drop off 20 lbs for them to give everyone there !

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Offline woodstock

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Re: Im a bit behind
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2023, 06:56:37 PM »
Good words of advice.  We only get one shot at this life (as far as I know.)  Take care of yourself. 
Nice thought about the coffee, not sure you want to grind that much coffee though.