Author Topic: Why isn't it possible for a company to build a good inexpensive 1 pound roaster?  (Read 9935 times)


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Oooh... I like when someone besides me or Peter get touchy with each other! So, we'll see the two of you behind the gym after last period?
LOL... OK... so I WAY overreacted.  Actually we used to meet at the bridge in the woods across from the school.


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and I didn't even have anything to do with this one.... sweet!!

That picture looks like Bill Murray


Like thisun better?


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Never used gloves Tex... my Dad used them when he fought in the ring, but not out of the ring.  Never found them to be necessary... gloves off!   :)

Offline peter

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I don't think this is anything more than the typed word being insufficient to convey sentiment very well.  Everyone go back to their coffee-roasting.  <angel>
Quote of the Day; \"...yet you refuse to come to Me that you


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I don't think this is anything more than the typed word being insufficient to convey sentiment very well.  Everyone go back to their coffee-roasting.  <angel>

Doing a bit of roll playing as a nice guy today Peter?

It doesn't suit you!


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I don't think this is anything more than the typed word being insufficient to convey sentiment very well.  Everyone go back to their coffee-roasting.  <angel>
Peter...  I asked about why no one could build a larger roaster at a reasonable price and was enjoying the replies... even when the thread went off topic I did not say anything.  I made a comment when someone implied that maybe I should be made aware that some popcorn poppers can roast coffee.  I guess I should be thankful that some thought highly enough of me to let me in on the secret... I'll have to look into that more closely.  However, my original question was re larger roasters, not smaller ones.
So now Peter, you want me to not post on my thread any more?  Wow!  Would someone please tell me how this thing works?  Maybe I need to ask permission to post?  Ok Mr. Peter, I'm back to roasting my Rwanda in my Behmor... is that ok?


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Dear Mr. Sikes,

it has come to my attention that you haven't quite caught on to the flow of things here at the GCBC.  We take coffee seriously, but enjoy treating the discussion more like a conversation at the pub more than in the lab.  You will find lots of great information in between side rants, misled assumptions from the big state down south, along with jibs and jabs out of nowhere (many times completely unrelated to the thread its posted in).  I think you are, in a way, going through a bit of hazing and these things are not meant to be taken at face value.  So join in if you wish, but I don't think anybody here actually thought you didn't know about popcorn poppers. 


PS- I too have fallen for a few of the tricky facetious side-comments, just sit back and wait for your opportunity to return the favor.   ;)


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Thanks Dave... "hazing" was a word that came to mind but so far this has been far too mild to be using that word.  Maybe I should be more aware that it takes a lot more time on some sites to really become accepted.  I ran into this when I first joined a distilling site, but was accepted when the others realized that just because I was a new member didn't mean I was still in grammar school. (Of course all I distilled was good clean water... you know how bad this ground water is in WV.  ;) )  I ran into this when I started making wine, and also when I joined a few beer-making forums.  I really should not have been caught off-guard by this.
I apologize guys... Go ahead and rib... I'll behave.


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Thanks Dave... "hazing" was a word that came to mind but so far this has been far too mild to be using that word.  Maybe I should be more aware that it takes a lot more time on some sites to really become accepted.  I ran into this when I first joined a distilling site, but was accepted when the others realized that just because I was a new member didn't mean I was still in grammar school. (Of course all I distilled was good clean water... you know how bad this ground water is in WV.  ;) )  I ran into this when I started making wine, and also when I joined a few beer-making forums.  I really should not have been caught off-guard by this.
I apologize guys... Go ahead and rib... I'll behave.

By all means, go ahead and bitch slap Peter all you want - we'll sit back and enjoy the show!


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Offline Ascholten

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Dude, don't take everything here, and in most cases anything said here so seriously and at face value.  Very few of us do.   ;)
We all know that peter is a good trouble maker but have learned over the years to just ignore most of his rantings and ravings as those of a man being denied sufficient coffee.

It's not that you have to 'fit in'  or go through any 'hazing' or 'prove' yourself to anyone.   To be honest, it's when people stop 'picking on you' that you need to be worried  ;D
Nobody thinks you are an idiot, or a moron, or just 'stupid' because you are a 'noob' or even perceived to be a noob.

Think about it, if we really thought you were that stupid, we would not bother taking to you at all, I mean, why bother if you were stupid?????  We would just smile politely, point towards the big state at the bottom of the mess of them, you know the one near the middle of the mess and tell you that is where home is at and shoo you on your way.

Feel better now?

Aaron... the forum (_*_)
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!


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Tex... I'll leave all of the "Light Work" for you... you can take care of Peter.  Looks like you're right in it already... keep up the good work.
Aaron... Thanks... if this is anything like real life I'll probably be a magnet for all the town, er, forum drunks... or more probably, a magnet for those who can't afford enough of their own wine, beer, or whiskey to get drunk.
All is good... just roasted a pound of Rwanda Bourbon and can't decide whether to brew it or just wash it down with a good shot... of whiskey.  Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Offline staylor

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Can we get back on topic?

I'm looking for a good inexpensive 1lb roaster, my budget is $12. It would be nice if the vendor also throws in 3-4lbs of green beans.

Offline Ascholten

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Well, you can wait until one of your neighbors throws out a washing machine.  there is your drum and motor to spin it.   Wait for another neighbor to throw out one of those big flat screen TV's, the old style ones.  there is a fresnel lens.  Set it up on a sunny day, put the beans into the drum aim it, sun roasts beans, drum spins and turns and keeps them agitated, when they are done, hit the rinse cycle and the fast spinning will help cool them too.   Well hell, put water into the thing and you got yourself a 15 gallon automatic self dispensing coffee urn too!!

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!


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Can we get back on topic?

I'm looking for a good inexpensive 1lb roaster, my budget is $12. It would be nice if the vendor also throws in 3-4lbs of green beans.

I have a Toastmaster Fluid Bed Roaster and 3-4lbs of green island coffee (from the exotic and majestic Republic of Dominica!) that is priced to move at $11.99 USD  ;)