Author Topic: smoke issues  (Read 7402 times)

Offline bekeld

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smoke issues
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2013, 04:25:21 PM »
Mark, volume is key. When I have 12oz and up going, the heavy smell is strong (my family likes the smell, and I'm the one cleaning the chaff). That's the one thing everyone forgot. Many Behmor owners recommend opening the door when the cool cycle begins to help cool quicker. I do that, and found that using a hand-held vac (hose and nozzle) works really well to keep the chaff not flying around.

I'm originally from north Jersey, so I have an idea just how tiny your apartment is. Consider roasting 1/2lb to see if you'll need a fan and hand vac. Also, the roaster is the size of a medium microwave... 17.25" wide x 9.25" tall x @12.25" deep. Is that too big to sit on your stove? Also, where can you stash it between roasts? Mine sits on a chair at the kitchen table, but I'm working on making space in a cabinet. [/acting like your mom]


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2013, 05:20:58 PM »
the Behmor will sit easily on my stove about two feet, maybe less, from the outlet. In NYC voltage is constant, no worries there. I plan on putting it on a shelf over my half size frig, this is, also, not a problem. 1/2 lb- no problemo -- opening the door not a problem -- do you press the 1/2 lb button or a 1 lb button with a 1/2 lb to increase roast times? Or do you play it by the book? When you open the door do you partially open the door or open it all the way? How long do you open the door for?
What programs would you use for a 1/2 lb of dry process Ethiopian, for example?

Offline bekeld

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smoke issues
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2013, 05:50:24 PM »

Joe Behm has this thing called the Rosetta Stone. Some people tweak and fuss to get major control over the roast. Others roast using the guidelines in the manual, but open the door as the beans still roast for a few minutes. So you either cool quick or adjust roast time even more to compensate.

If I roast 1/2lb, I push 1lb and do the Rosetta Stone. I do that because the first time I roasted I pushed 1/2lb, and had to add time. Since adding time is very limited (you can only add just a minute or two), I'd rather have more time and take away the unneeded part.

Opening door--I open all the way and start sucking the chaff out. Not elegant at all, and easier than stopping the cool, getting the cage out fast, then restarting.

As for profile, I use Joe's suggestions. The only time I went differently was using P1 on Mike McKoffee's berrylusciousness Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Wote Konga. I googled the forum and found Yakster's profile. Roasting fast and hot brought out berries! Yum!!


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2013, 06:12:47 PM »
do you keep the door open for the entire cooling cycle 10 mins?
do you open the door at any other time during the roast? like when the beans are still roasting? Supposedly to slow the roast.
where is Yakster's profile?
will you explain the Rosetta Stone to me as if I were a 6th grader, please. I have read the manual and the Rosetta Stone, too.
when do you use P1? when do you use P2? P3? P4?
Josh over at Sweet Maria's has made a few videos about the Behmor. To his thinking P4 is the most useful profile for bringing out flavors; a slower roast. Have you used this profile yet?
I have sent Josh many a message all never returned.
What sources do you use for green beans?


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2013, 07:27:16 PM »
It really is too bad that Joe Behm didn't spend more money and get a decent tech writer to do his manual.  It is quite incomprehensible until/unless you figure it out and then go back and read what you know back into what you read.   

That being said, IF you can figure it out it pays to do it the way he tells you to do it first and then make modifications if that doesn't work.  Modifying the directions before following them first is going to waste a lot of your time, because you won't know what you are changing.  Do it "by the book" first;  if/as/when that doesn't satisfy you, that is the time to ask for workarounds.

(but remember, I'm the same person who advised you that you wouldn't be happy using it indoors, so take my advice with a tablespoon of salt)


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2013, 07:32:50 PM »
thanks I will follow your advice
but which advice?
oy vey

Offline bekeld

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smoke issues
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2013, 08:05:00 PM »
do you keep the door open for the entire cooling cycle 10 mins?
do you open the door at any other time during the roast? like when the beans are still roasting? Supposedly to slow the roast.
I'm keeping it simple right now. If I want more control, I'll probably upgrade.
where is Yakster's profile?
This was for a specific bean, and the only reason I used it for the Konga Wote was that a) it was Yakster and b) I had roasted the Konga Wote already and felt I could get more berryness. Can't find where I saw it. Here's what I did:
13.3 oz beans
Rosetta Stone to 3:10 remaining at 1stC
This one I took out of roaster and cooled on my external fan.
will you explain the Rosetta Stone to me as if I were a 6th grader, please. I have read the manual and the Rosetta Stone, too.
the Rosetta Stone helps to keep you out of 2nd crack.
As soon as you hear the first snaps of 1st, change the time so that the beans have these minutes left to roast

¼ lb - 1:30 minutes                                           
½ lb - 2:10 minutes                                           
1 lb – 3:10 minutes         

when do you use P1? when do you use P2? P3? P4?
P1-2: All Centrals, Peruvian and Colombians
 P3: Brazilians, Africans, Southeast Asians, Malabar*, Jamaican Blue Mountain and Yauco Selecto  (Puerto Rican)
 P4-5: Kona and other low grown island coffees (P4 just into 2nd crack, and P5 for shy of 2nd crack)
Josh over at Sweet Maria's has made a few videos about the Behmor. To his thinking P4 is the most useful profile for bringing out flavors; a slower roast. Have you used this profile yet?
no, not yet.
What sources do you use for green beans?
here, of course!

Offline bekeld

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smoke issues
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2013, 08:09:43 PM »
I agree with Susan. Do it the way Joe recommends. After you know the roaster, then you can mess around IF you feel the need to.

This piece of advice is in the Behmor Tips thread--it's stickied.

buy 5 lbs of a hard bean -- one grown at a high elevation and just work it to death. Get it so you can nail the roast, time after time. Then move on to a mid elevation -- a Brazil of some sort and get its profile nailed. Then move on to a Kona and work out a profile for island or low grown coffees.


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2013, 08:10:44 PM »

Offline peter

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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2013, 09:22:05 PM »
Do you have your own bathroom?  If so, is there an exhaust fan in there?
Quote of the Day; \"...yet you refuse to come to Me that you


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2013, 07:09:00 AM »
Ha Ha lol -- yes Pedro I have my own bathroom here in the cave
there is no fan but there is a vent, there is a vent in the kitchen , as well -- it's about 8' up - if I pulled it's cover off I could technically hook up a space age vent up and into it. Better I think to turn a fan on and turn the A/C fan on and even open the front door, let all the neighbors watch as they pass by, it's only for 15 mins every other day. Your continued involvement and monitoring of my post is really very thoughtful-thanks, Peter

Offline bekeld

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smoke issues
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2013, 07:18:59 AM »
What borough do you live in? Sound like one of the old brownstone buildings from early 1900s.


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2013, 07:55:11 AM »
I live on the upper westside of Manhattan, about a half block from Central Park in a very old brownstone from the 19th century. The wiring is about 80 years old. My residence is the first floor front, street level if you will. This apartment is actually part of the grand entrance to an old one family home. A wall was built, mail boxes placed on it and on the other side is my little world. That's why there is no window, well just the one. But I do have an A/C unit in one of the upper panes, about 7' up. My friends call my place "The Cave" because that's what it is. In NY we call the front stairs leading into the building the 'stoop'. I believe it's a Dutch word that stayed in the local vernacular dating from the time when the Dutch had sway.

Offline rgrosz78

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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2013, 08:07:39 AM »
do you open the door at any other time during the roast? like when the beans are still roasting? Supposedly to slow the roast.
Mark, congratulations on finding GCBC. These are the most knowledgeable folks around ... learned everything I know from them.  ;D

When I use the Behmor, I open the door for about 30 seconds after first crack starts. This is to slow down the roast a bit between 1st and 2nd crack.

when do you use P1? when do you use P2? P3? P4?
I normally used P3 for my Behmor roasts. P1 gives a faster roast, which some beans do require to develop a better flavor (like Yemen Mocha). I tried the other profiles, but they did not give better results for me.

What sources do you use for green beans?
IMHO, this GCBC site is the best source of green beans, mostly due to the notes from the coffee cuppers. I buy 95% of my green coffee here. I use Sweet Maria's and Bodhi Leaf for greens that are unavailable here.
Life is too short to drink bad wine (or bad coffee!)


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Re: smoke issues
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2013, 08:10:53 AM »
Rick, Hey buddy -- and thanks for everything