Author Topic: Cleaning espresso machine group head, filter, portafilter & back flushing  (Read 1585 times)


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I can afford either cleaner, but since they both work the same why
waste $10?

Tri-Sodium Phosphate ($5 @Lowe's)

Urnex Cafiza ($15 @Whole Latte Love)

The smart little birdie goes, "Cheap, Cheap, Cheap!"
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 10:27:36 AM by Tex »


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Thanks for the info! I'll go the WalMart route the next time! i'm new to the espresso user group and am still learning!!!! I know there is a lot of information on other sites but I'd appreciate feedback from some group members on the need and the "how toos" of back flushing. I have a used Silvia. i've done the descaling and I have a back flush insert but have never used it and am leary about doing so. I've read that some folks say "do it" and others say "don't?" What's the groups thoughts on this one? Do it, or not? If I do it, HOW? I believe I'd place the insert in the portafilter but how long do I turn the unit on for for the back flush process. I don't want to hurt poor Ms. Silvia.

Thanks for your thoughts.... Jim  ;D


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Written for Gaggia owners, but applicable to all 3-way valve equipped machines;

Words to live by;

First - it's not possible to back-flush non 3-way valve equipped
machines. Trying to do will end up with detergent being forced into
the boiler. It's nearly impossible to get the detergent out of a
boiler without completely disassembling and cleaning - too much
effort, so don't try to back-flush your Carezza, Espresso, Evolution, etc!

Second - the 3-way valves in the Classic & Baby machines must be kept
clean if they are to function properly. If it's not cleaned out
(either by back-flushing with detergent or by disassembling & cleaning
it) it will eventually malfunction.

The solenoid controlled 3-way valve has *only* two purposes: 1)
Provide a leak-proof way to direct hot water from the boiler to the
group head. 2) Redirect the left-over (pressurized) coffee from the
group head to the drip pan after a shot is pulled. It's the second use
of the 3-way valve that creates problems. The residue left behind
after a shot is pulled will build up in the 3-way valve, plugging the
passageways and causing the plunger in the valve to seize.

Gaggia & Rancilio both discourage back-flushing and both will void the
warranty of any machine that's back-flushed. Their concerns has
nothing to do with machine functionality; in fact other manufactures
using identical parts in their prosumer & commercial machines
recommend regular back-flushing.

My theory is that Rancilio & Gaggia don't want noob baristas scalding
themselves with hot water & then suing the manufacturers. OK by me,
but it doesn't fit in with our forum members, who are experienced
users and know how to follow directions.

My mantra - "Keep it clean, keep it working!"


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Just did some Google searching and got the same information that you posted. It all makes sense! I see that I need to backflush for only a second after the pressure builds. I'll give her a try..... Thanks for your quick and helpful response! I just don't want to do something stupid! My wife says I do that all the time already..... I'm going to disassemble the group head tonight and give that a good cleaning too. Jim  ;D

Offline YasBean

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I can afford either cleaner, but since they both work the same why
waste $10?

Tri-Sodium Phosphate ($5 @Lowe's)

Urnex Cafiza ($15 @Whole Latte Love)

The smart little birdie goes, "Cheap, Cheap, Cheap!"
How much TSP do you use to clean?
Londinium L1, Bullet R1, Compak E8, VBM DB, Vario, Hario Vac


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How much TSP do you use to clean?

I back flush weekly and use a scant half-teaspoon. To clean the portafilter, shower screen, and other parts, I use a teaspoon on a quart of hot water.
